HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 06-19 Maplewood eyes council pay hike DISPATCH ' Maeyes" council aY hike The Maplewood City Council handful of poison ivy out is considering raising the may- among the voters." or's and councilmen's salaries, "FOR THE area we're living effective in 1976. in and for the time that's spent THE COUNCIL last week ta- administering this office that bled until tonight's meeting a I'm sitting in," he said, "I be- recommendation by Mayor Rob- lieve it isthe most underpaid ert Bruton to increase the may- position that a person could or's salary from $2,400per year have." to $3,600 and councilmen's sala- "I can see why other persons ries from$1,800 to$2,700. in the past have resigned from Bruton noted that the council this position,". Murdock added. has held more than twice the "The pressures are unbelieva- number of its regularly sched- ble. You have to really sacrifice uled meetings (two a month). to put out for this job." Because of its recently adapted Murdock said a pay increase curfew, the number of meetings would encourage working per- can be expected to increase sons, who perhaps "can't afford when the economy improves,he to take off two hours (from said. work) to go to a metro meet- He also noted that the mayor ing," to take on such responsi- and councilmen do not apply for bilities. mileage reimbursement. Bruton Without adequate compensa- recommended that they continue tion for such duties, he said, not to apply and that no addi- "wealthy people are the only tional pay be established for people that can serve (on the special meetings. council),and that's wrong." ELEVEN of 22 larger metro-' He added that the cost to the politan cities and seven of 10 city would be small. Bruton said larger non-metropolitan cities the pay increase would add _ paid their mayors and council- $4,800 to next year's budget. men more in 1974 than Maple- The mayor said the council wood,he said. must act now or.under state law Councilman Burton Murdock . it may not act for two more expressed strong support for a. Pay increases must be- pay increase, even though, he' come effective after city elec- said, "I may be as popular as a tions,he said.