HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-15 Maplewood to continue talks on water system improvements DISPATCH Maplewood to continue talks i,, t‘s , 'Sic. on wafer ssem improvements mprovem ents s ents. The Maplewood City benefit esdimrated $13 per said SEVERAL do notiuneetd among Another residentsaidsaid Council will continue ers anthatA Another who can 1 their own waterdiscussion Thursday on front foot,plus a connec- the water improvements, people sup- more than $10 million in tion charge of about aannd neitheridoesthe th perM without tapping into the prop so to improve-r $500.C ments to the city water. C o u n c i 1 members cent of Maplewood's be assessed shouldcitsstem not system'. stressed that improve- water. The council last week ments in the system are Mayor Robert Bruton • Many residents s had dropped two streets from ° necessary, regardless to cityd M alydohas told d the the specific uestionndbout tthe project after resi- whether the city g n said e ropoed dents objected to the im- im distribution syst m, bey that water rates decrease t watewater," • but he noted provements sholld s provements at a publicisbe on the hearing. ' cause of water pressure as consumption increas- verutonbhowevE:r,pndi- le. THE STREETS, Gera- p r o b 1 e m s in various es. parts of the city. "If we tie them out of cated the council will dStreet from CenturyFern- the system, everyone in make the d e c i s i o n, dale Street to THOSE p.r o b 1 e m s Avenue, and Radatz Av- Maplewood will pay prompting boos from the mean not only inconven- enue from Southlawn more for their water," he audience. fence for residents but a said. The council has the Drive to White Bear re hazard in fire fighting, Wiegert added that 3M authority to make such a enue, are considered council members said. does have water supply decision without explained. non-essential in r.me- problems, and e i t h e r endum, meriting a "master.me- If the city were to re- ter"water system.ht ' ro its tailD o system,a I d will have to solve them.lewood or,St. ,make their may e e l i n g s UNDER that system, Councilman known at hearings or :he city would buy water Wiegert pointed out, im- ONE resident pro- counc at wholesale rates from provements would still pe s posed red tucci$g the e foot- supportotefor their ilme e n who he St. Paul and would then cost about$8 million. bill Maplewood resi- and increasing the peri- said. dents for the water.Resi- In addition, he said, od of time over which dents areynow billed di- the differential between paid. He he city would not have the also suggested would be reln St.Paul. Dozens of residents wholesale and toward the portional toe the tvolume pro- showed up at last Thurs- day's public hearing to cost of the improve- of use, rather than low- object or to ask ques- ments. That differential ering rates for volume tions about the improve- appears to be about 35 users, in more order to spitequread which would cost per cent,he said.