HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-08 Maplewood rejects new proposal to buy Maple Hills Golf Course DISPATCH Maplewood rejects new proposal to buy Male Hills G If Course ,...,A..bi.6,),t.L., 2„. .zg, 1(1c, 5-- The Maplewood City THE COUNCIL at a course refuse to move HAGEN'S. offer ap- Council last week turned previous reject-meetingre ect- to reconsider their ac- peared to convince the down an offer ,by the ed the purchase of the tion. The mo ion to re- council majority that, course, an office build- consider had to come "They're awful anxious owners of Maple Hills ing and several lots for a, from those ouncilmen to get rid of it." Golf Course to subsidize price of about$500,000. who were in he majori- Councilman Burton financial losses for five Last week, the coun- ty on the prev'ous vote. Murdock, who favored years if the city will buy cilmen who opposed the The s u b s ' d y offer purchase of the course, the course. purchase of the golf from Ban on, Inc., said, "I can't believe the owners of M ple Hills, three of you guys ha- "s c a r e s m all the ven't got the guts to vote worse," said Council- for this thing." man John Gre vu. MAYOR Robert Bru- Bruton said it took ton said he sti 1 does not "guts" not to vote for the purchase. think the pu hase is a idea, an Council- "I've had more people man Norman Anderson thank me for my vote on said he "can't justify" this golf course than I've reconsidering his vote in had on all other things light of the offer. combined,"he said. In a letter OD the city, Bruton said the citi- Ban Con President Hans zens who have contacted Hagen offered to under- him "don't think the write losses ui# to $25,000 city should be getting incurred by the city our- into that business, and ing the first fife years of they don't think the city operation of'', the golf should be going further course, or $5,000 per into debt, whether it,(the year, excludhg capital course) pays for itself or improvements'. not." Hagen said t appeared Murdock complained to him that th only con- that the three who op- cern of citize s regard- ing purchase of the purchase don't believe course was the possibili- -the city staff, consult- y t of a loss. ants' reports or informa- "Because of our inti- tion about other munici- mate knowledge of the pal golf courses, all of operation, we are ex- w h i c h indicated the tremely confident that course could pay for it- the golf course can be self. operated profitably by ''Who the hell are you the City of Maplewood," going to believe then?" he said. he said.