HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 04-08 Maplewood council approves new affimative action program DISPATCH Maplewood council approves new affirmative actionr p ogram LA.,, ,k..0....., The Maplewoodt ty commission, is to en- action requirements. a c t i o n policy, Mrs. Council Thursday ap- courage persons in pro- Councilman Donald K a m p f noted, could proved an affirmative ac- tected classes to, apply Wiegert argued that the mean the loss of some tion program that will for jobs and to compete enforcement provisions grants and federal aids. encourage women and for promotion. should be mandatory if If the city is sued for minority persons to seek .The policy also re- the city is to have an af- discrimination, Wiegert employment and promo- quires the city to review firmative a c t i o n pro- noted, the result could tion with the city. its job requirements to gram. be that "an affirmative eliminate "artificial bar- If there is a substantial action program is laid PERSONNEL Director riers" not related to the difference between the upon us by a judge, in- JoAnn Christensen will be the city's affirmative l°b' lowest and second low- eluding quotas." action officer, City Man- IT DOES not, Miller est bids,he said,partitu- — ager Michael Miller said. said, mean that the city lady iit the case of large UNDER the new pro- can discriminate against contracts, the city will be gram, the city also will white males by hiring a tempted to accept the f require all bidders for less qualified member of lowest bid even if the city contracts to submit a protected class, nor bidder does not comply does it mean "turning with affirmative action statements affirming compliance with anti- the whole government requirements. over to protected class- discrimination s t a n- es." "WHAT I'M saying is dards. HRC CHAIRMAN Ja- that we're for sale at a The policy, prepared net Kampf also pointed price,"he said. by the Maplewood Hu- out that women and mi- The council this year man Relations Commis- norities would not nec- w i 1 l determine how sion (HRC), provides for essarily b e promoted many bidders submit the the city manager to es ahead of a male employe required form and will tablish goals for employ- who had "tried and then decide whether the ment of women and mi- w o r k e d faithfully all requirement should be norities. these years," as Council- mandatory. MAPLEWOOD n o w man Norman Anderson Miller said copies of has no minority em- feared. the program will be dis- .ployes. Of 84 full-time "That's not in this tributed to present city employes, 69 are male, document, nor is it the employes, and a meeting and 11 of the 15 women intent,"she said. will be held to explain are employed in office The council decided to it. _ and clercial positions. defer enforcement provi- Included in the "pro- sions for bidders for one Goals for employment tected class" for which year to determine wheth- of women and minorities employment goals will er enforcement should will be set for each city be set are blacks, Orien- be mandatory or at the department and proba- i tats, native Americans, council's discretion.. bly will be based on the Spanish-surname Ameri- The HRC recommend- average percentage of cans, women of all races ed that the council have v a r i o u s population and "persons subject to the discretion to accept groups in the metropoli- special obstacles in em- the second lowest bid if tan area,he said. i ployment, such as the tl,e lowest bidder does physically disabled, per- not comply with affirn}a- The new policy re- , sons dependent of wel- tive action requirements. q u i r e s recruitment of i fare and the employable A 1 s o recommended persons for job vacancies mentally retarded." was a provision for ter- through the news media The emphasis of the mination of a contract if and various. organiza- program, said members a contractor does not tions and agencies. of the human relations comply with affirmative - Lack of an affirmative