HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-27 Council approves Maplewood Mall restaurants, sign permits DISPATCH Counsel approves Maplewood o Mall restaurants , sign permits b-, �r ' Q-A-1L A'T )C`Is The Maplewood City help unprofitable busi- eluded from that provi- require new construction the mall site they Council last week ap- nesses compete,he said. sion. ond. proved permits for three City Manager Michael H o m a r t represents- The approved neon restaurant signs on M i 11 e r recommended .fives` said outsideeprsignsntasigns 4-1,council with May- the exterior Of Maple- against the signs, which be a factor in nego- may theor Robert Bruton woodMall.. he said would be "sub- dis- tiations with two possi senting. Bruton said he THE COUNCIL ap- stantially detrimental to ble major tenants,a third wanted language in the proved signs at the the architecture and ap de artment store and a motion to assure there southeast entrance to the pearance of the shopping j u n i o r department would be no additional mall for the Forum and center complex." store." Farrell's restaurants, and signs on the present mall Both, however, would building. a sign at the northeast COUNCILMAN Don- Both, however, would building. entrance for the- York ald Wiegert noted that Steak House. the mall could turn into The signs were ap- "the largest billboard in proved by the city de- the world.". sign review board, but a However, Jim Sphinx minority of the board ex- of Homart, which owns pressed fears that such • the mall, assured the approval could open the c o u n c i l that Homart door for more signs. would allow signs only THE CITY is "opening for major tenants. a cart of worms that will He said that if the res- be crawling all over the taurants c a n increase city for years to come," their sales, it could also m e m b e r Bill Howard increase employment. said. The d e s i g n review Howard said the res- board said it will reject taurant operators, in re- any application for addi- questing the signs, cited tional signs on the pre- competition from busi- sent mall b u i 1 d i n g, nesses on the east side of though future major ten- White Bear Avenue. It is a n t s and additional not the role of the city to buildings would be ex-