HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-25 Suburbs plan individual appeals on watershed DISPATCH Suburbs plan inthv!dual n A a on VVC 1ed By Linda Owen p with the northern cities, mentation of the need Staff Writer they contend. for a Battle Creek wat- Officials o f several The White Bear Lake ershed, which would in-• Ramsey County suburbs and Maplewood c i t y dude Woodbury. agreed last week to pro- councils last week au- In discussing the ap- ceed individually with thorized appeals of the- peal at last week's Ma- appeals-of an order cre- watershed o r d e r, the plewood City council ating the Ramsey-Wash- , Vadnais Heights City meeting, Councilman ington Metro Watershed Council is expected to Donald W i e g•e r t also District. act on a formal resolu- questioned the , geo- C I T Y ATTORNEYS tion to appeal April 1, graphical representation and engineers from Ma and the North St. Paul on the board of manag- p l e w o o d, Vadnais council has authorized ers • for the new wat- H e i g h t s, White Bear any action necessary to ershed district. Lake and North St. Paul meet the appeal dead- He noted the board in- met in Maplewood to line, which falls before eludes two appointees discuss legal action to the next council meeting. who live on the same exclude themselves from The communities have street and who appear to the watershed district, 30 days from the time live in White Bear Lake. , which was created by the they received the order However, Erling Wei state Water Resources to appeal in district berg, executive secretary Board Feb. 28. court. The court proba- of the Water Resources THE CITIES must ap- bly will hear all the ap= Board, said the appoint peal the order individu- peals together,city attor» ees — Constance Kass, ally, but attorneys said neys said. i 2167 Falcon Ave., and that once the appeals are REPRESENTATIVES George Thompson,,2152 filed, legal r e s e a r c h of Woodbury and Oak-' Falcon Ave. — both live probably will be coordi- dale also attended the within the St. Paul city nated or pooled, because meeting last week, but• limits.' the issues will be the Woodbury City Engineer The Water Resources same. Joe Anderlik advised the Board had thought one Officials of the- four city council afterwards of 'the two lived outside northern suburbs believe- against appealing the or- St. Paul when making they should not be in- der. t h e appointments, he eluded in the watershed . Though officials from' said. However, he added district, which includes t h e northern suburbs' the board was looking at all or parts of 11 munici- agreed that there is little "o t h e r qualifications" p a 1 i ties. .The Battle scientific documentation besides residence. C r e e k watershed, the of the need to include The board of managers Area that was the subject them in the larger.wat-i is scheduled to elect offi- of the original watershed ershed district, Anderlik cers at a meeting March talks, has nothing to do said, there is clear docu-, 28.