HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-13 Mayor urges forming planning subcommittees to get work done DISPATCH Mayor ur es formingg subcommittees to get work done , NiNev.A.A6 \- ,, Ickls-- Maplewood M a y o r i several citizens, He said he will try to things back to them that Robert Bruton said last with planning commis- get support for the corn- we kind of handicap week he would "strong- sion members as chair- mission from the hous- them." ly urge" the city plan- men. The subcommittee ' ing and redevelopment Councilman Donald ning commission to con- would report back to the authority and personally Wiegert suggested that sider forming subcom- planning commission as will help to find volun- the mayor meet with the mittees in order to get a whole,he said. teers for the proposed planning commission to more work done. subcommittees. see if his proposals are BRUTON proposed .1 Maplewood Planning Commission feasible. that the subcommittees Chairman Les Axdahl "It involves the educa- The mayor said he is said commission mem- tion . of the w h o 1 e "disappointed" to see bers recognize the prop- (group),"he said. that the commission's lems mentioned by Bru goals for 1975 do not in- ton, but that the goals dude several items that for the previous year were not accomplished "came out unduly opti- in 1974. mistic." THOSE ITEMS in- The commission want- dude a capital improve- ed to put the 1975 goals ments program and rec- "in some kind of range ommendations for zon- of practicality,"he said. ing of the entire area THOUGH the capital around the Maplewood improvement program Mall,Bruton said. was not a goal for this "There's no reason Year, Axdahl said, the why you can't do more planning commission in 1975 than what you has taken up the study have in the plan," he of priorities with items said. such as the ice arena and "There's a lot to be golf course proposals. done," Bruton said. "We There is a "crying need" really need you . . . We to determine "what do desperately n e e d the we need first,"he said. direction so we can get "We've tried to lay out out of some of this fire- a program that might be fighting and get more able to be a c c o m into the physical plan- plished," Axdahl said. ning." "You can't promise the moon if you can't deliver it." In defense of the com- mission, Councilman Norman Anderson said, "We refer so many