HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 03-04 Maplewood to decide Beam Avenue rezoning DISPATCH .. .._. _.. .. . Maplewood to .i,),,,bid- , t(70 4- 1 T • Beam venue. rezoning The Maplewood City week they will not be property could support "I PREFER to support Council is scheduled to able to sell their proper- fast food restaurants, not this plan and take a very decide Thursday on a ty unless it is rezoned even a McDonald's, he hard look at the assess- controversial rezoning business-commercial said, but could support a ments,"Bruton said. high-grade for a segment of Beam (BC). Otherwise, develo- "good, res- Council members have Avenue, acjoss from Ma- pers are not interested, taurant or supper club." opposed a BC designa- plewood Mall, between they said. CRYSTAL Almond of tion primarily because - Realty,White Bear and South- UNLESS the land can Rehnbergrep re- they fear undesirable de- lawn avenues. be developed, they said, senting another group of velopment. THE PROPOSAL is to the property owners can- property owners,. said Greavu, however, said rezone about 12 acres not afford the assess- "some very fine compa- he believes Beam Ave from farm residence to ments for Beam Avenue, vies" are interested in nue should be zoned BC commercial and office which one attorney said the property if retail from White Bear Avenue district, a new category are "more than some sales outlets are possi- to Hwy.61. proposed as a compro- people paid for their ble. She said she could Other on the mise between a busi- homes 20 years ago." not name the companies, south side residentsoon the ness-commercial zoning A t t o r n e y Clayton but they include large that runs Radatz, tel requested by the proper- Parks, representing three stores on the order of street Beam, said they fear a Ward's or Pen- ty owners and the limit- property owners, said Sears, o effect" if Beamdomin ed business-commercial everything hinges on the ney's and large super- "domino category originally rec- definition of "specialty markets. Avenueis designated ommended by the city shops," a use permitted Another property own- BC. They said commer- planning commission. in a CO zoning. er, Frank Husnik, 815 cial development will The city council last "If it means small Carla Lane, said there is mean improvements and week voted the first shops, that's one thing," one supermarket inter- h i g h assessments for reading of the zoning he said. "If you were to ested in a seven-acre surrounding property change 4-1, with Coun- see your way to includ- package, if land all'the owners, who in turn will cilman John Greavu dis- ing any kind of retail way back to Radatz Ave- have to sell their proper- senting. Final approval sales, we might look at nue could be rezoned ty• requires a four-fifths this whole thing differ-• BC. "Eventually it's going vote of the council. ently." If the property owners to wipe out that whole MAYOR R 0 B E R T HOWEVER, according can't sell their land, area as far as homes go," Bruton and Councilmen to City Manager Michael Parks said, they will said Eugene Whyte, 1850 Donald W i e g e r t and Miller,the accepted defi- have to "sit on it and Radatz. Norman Anderson ap- nition would not include pay assessments, or let Also on the agenda peared to favor the corn- grocery stores and large the assessments go and Thursday will be an ap- mercial-office (CO) dis- department stores, the lose the property." peal from property own- t r i c t last week, but t y p e of development. City officials, howev- ers west of Southlawn Councilman B u r t o n contemplated by t h e er, said they always have from a planning corn- Murdock said his vote property owners. The ul- planned to examine zon- mission denial of a re- on the first reading does timate decision is up to ing and assessments to- zoning request. not'necessarily mean he the council,he said. gether. Those property own- w i l 1 vote that way Developers who have If t h e assessments ers, unhappy with mul- Thursday. looked at the land have could not be supported t i-f a m i 1 y zoning, re- Representatives o f suggested retail outlets by the zoning, Miller quested a commercial property owners on the such as F. W.Woolworth, s a i d, the difference designation. The council • south side of Beam Ave- Parks said. The develo- would go on the general must set a public hearing nue told the council last pers did not think the property tax rolls. on their appeal.