HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-21 Maplewood says Metro Council's guide would make suburbs 'rubberstamps' DISPATCH Maplewood saysetro CoCo v nc► 's v► de 'would make suburbs 'rubberstamps7,7' Maplewood's City framework chapter of ing, regional diversified added, "in l , to t Council says that pro- the metropolitan devel- centers and open space. such pway asv- even have belto posals being advanced opment guide. to allow municipal goy- even begin to control the by the Metro Council • FINANCIAL i n c e n- ernments to realistically things it proposes?" woad make municipal beTrevise edpiinalshould tives to orderr to for planning cal n governmentmbenefit from develop- p governments "rubber- He also said Ma le- stamps to metropolitan "strengthen local units ance with metropolitan ment." wood has experienced planning and develop- of government," the guidelines. The council also urged problems accepting its ment." council said. g share of growth. the Metro Council to Councilmen also said STATUTORY powers "remain a coordinating "It costs plenty," he This can be done, it to refuse premature de- agency" rather than b- beid. "Provisions someshould that it appears that there was suggested, if the velopment proposals if is an attempt afoot to s t a t e legislature pro- there is .no financial agency." s a "controllingbe made for kind "discourage individual vides: of relief to accept this reimbursement. growth." Wie- citizen participation" in Councilman Don the planning process. MEANINGFUL posi- "Negative induce- gert was especially criti THESE were among tive financial incentives ments to accepting de- the reasons cited by the to local governments for velopment, such as fiscal Proposal, calling it city council when it vot- accommodating t h e i r disparities and levy lim= frightening." ed 5-0 to oppose the pro- share of growth, low and its, should be eliminated "What size," he in- p o s e d development moderate income hous- or altered," the council quired, "will the Metro