HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-14 Copy of zoning proposal not available, resident tells Maplewood City Council DISPATCH Copyo zon ng pnot available resident tells Maplewood City Council 1 I9 'I It seemed s t r a n g e 'that I could get a copy available for the asking city attorney," she re- request. when nobody testified afterit'smade intolaw." in the office of the city ported. The new zone propos- for or against the pro- MAYOR Robert Bru- planner. al was designed for "the posed creation of a new ton, who presided at a Mrs. Morgan disputed MEANWHILE, t h e development of profes commercial off i c e" public hearing on the his claim. sional and administra- zone in Maplewood. council, concerned over P proposal, agreed that "I WAS told it wasn't the allegation, continued tive offices." t1825 Radatze A er, "we have a situation available, period," she the public hearing on the But other permitted med- gan, where it's hard 'for the said. zoning proposal until a uses would include finally offered an expla- public to make com- She said she informed meeting this Thursday. ical and dental offices of- nation. ments. They h a v e n 't a clerk at cityhall that and clinics, financial She said she had tried, even seen what it (the fives and "supportive" unsuccessfully, to obtain she"hada right to it." PP proposal)is." And copies of the pro- commercial uses, such as a copy of the proposal at City Manager Michael "She (the clerk) said posal were ordered to be specialty or gift shops, city hall. Miller, however, said a then that my attorney made conveniently avail- office supply stores and I was told," she said, copy of the proposal was had better contact the able, at city hall, upon ticket and travel agen- cies. Sites for the office buildings would have to be at least 20,000 square feet. Buildings also would be limited to five stories or50 feet in height. The city council has talked about using the zone along the south side of Beam Avenue across from tie ii Woo a (e. wood p west and alon of 1qt e A venue ' White iv 111the ' , kir cinch vIctni ena, Yof