HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-14 2 Maplewood councilmen oppose 10% pay hikes for administrators DISPATCH 2 Maplewood councilmen oppose 10% a hikes for administrators w: 1i+, 1975" City Councilmen John . recon endation until at ed: "If a guy doesn't MURDOCK said 10 Greavu and Norm An- least this Thursday. like what he's getting per cent pay increases derson say they will vote GREAVU said the h e r e, I'll help him outfadministratorseem of against proposed 10 per administrators seem to pack." especially cent pay increases for be "g e t t i n g all the Both Greavu and An- during a period when Maplewood's municipal gravy. derson said they could some taxpayers are being administrators. He said they should support across-the-board laid off from their jobs. And Councilman Burt get less, while "the guys lump sum pay increases, Greavu said that 11 Murdock indicated he at the bottom" should instead of percentages. administrators in Maple- may join them. get more. "Unions have been wood are receiving a to- MEANWHILE,' City "F r a n k 1 y, we have fighting(against)percen- tal$250,000 annually. Manager Michael Miller gone through lots of tages for a long time," Miller also told the defended the proposal at staff turnover," Miller Anderson said, "because council hewas a city council meeting. told the council. ' We it's u n fair. But that questingless thath a s The council, after dis- have to keep the salaries seems to be manage- nent than hikeafor sev- c u s s i o n, postponed a sup." ment's way of running perpay vote on the manager's GREAVU interject- things." himself.