HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-09 Maplewood's nature center request ranks higt on priority list DISPATCH Maplewood's nature ie�, . 9, Discatt center request ran s high on Ii st Maplewood's request for LAKE ELMO, ranked. 26th, $100,000 for the Michael Lane $725,000 to acquire land and de- Nature Center has been ranked velop six parks (Demontreville, fifth priority among 32 applica- Pebble, Tablyn, Sunfish Lake, tions by the Metropolitan Coun- Village Playground and Reid); cil's Environmental and Trans- Wood bur y, ranked 27th, portation Committee. $87,500 for Shawnee Park devel- OAKDALE RECEIVED a opment; seventh-place ranking, and St. Oak Park Heights, ranked Paul was ranked eighth. 28th, $310,000 for development About $1,650,000 is available of Valley View Park and pur- for local park projects through chase of a 10-acre site on the LAWCON, the federal Land and park's western side. Water Conservation program, Marine on St. Croix, ranked and,through the Minnesota Re- 32nd, $19,500 for acquisition and sources Commission. Forty-two development of land for a bi- applications with requests total- cyclists', rest stop and starting ing more than $10 million were area for tours. submitted. The Metro Council is sched- uled to consider the committee's recommendations Oct.23. MAPLEWOOD WANTS $60,000 to buy 3.5 acres of land for the nature center and about $40,000 for paths, benches and fencing. Oakdale has asked for $103,700 for acquisition of about 25 acres to complete a 180-acre park. St. Paul's request for $288,750 is to buy and develop 2.28 acres of McQuillan Park in the Historic Hill District. The committee recommended that no project receive more than $100,000. Other applicants and their rankings are as follows: Circle Pines, ranked 21st, for Baldwin Park project; Ramsey County, ranked 25th, $265,000 requested for comfort stations, bath houses and con- cession stands at seven county parks;