HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-16 Maplewood adopts 28% higher budget DISPATCH Thurs.,Oct. 16, '75 $t.Paul Dispatch (E) 7 Maplewoodadopts : 28 higherbudget� The Maplewood City Council five police officers, one sergeant Offsetting the property tax in- last week adopted a 1976 budget and a police clerk. About half of crease to some extent, Miller of $3,250,000, a figure about 28 the cost of the new positions said, is the state "circuit-break- per cent higher than last year's will be charged to the paramedic er" tax relief system, which will budget. program,Miller said. go into effect in 1976. Also adopted was a tax levy of• $2.3 million, which will mean an increase of 4 mills in property owners' tax rate, or $31 for a $20,000 home. HOWEVER, a 10 per cent val- uation increase imposed by Ramsey County on residential property will add $70 to the tax bill on such a home, for a total increase of $101, City Manager Michael Miller explained. The budget increase, he said, is due to the increased cost for the first full year of the police paramedic program (a $141,000 increase over 1975), increased equipment purchases and other capital improvements (a$271,000 increase) and inflationary in- creases in all other costs. Miller noted that purchases of equipment were delayed in 1975 in the hope that state-aid monies would increase in 1976, but the expected increase never came. MAJOR items in the 1976 budget include the addition of