HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-28 Maplewood seeks another mall area zoning solution DISPATCH Maplewood seeks another 0i �. lot 1l`5' b Cs ee,-.-t eyv .��\ 1 areamall zoningsolution The Maplewood City Council south of Beam in the district. al of a project. will seek yet another solution to "You're playing the game and zoning of property south of the ALTHOUGH several spokes- then making the rules, one resi- Maplewood Mall, council mem- men for property owners south dent said. bers agreed Thursday. of Beam said they did not object Councilman Burton Murdock to the overlay provisions, others agreed. "This ordinance puts BUT, SAID Councilman Bur- north of Beam said the addition- too much power in the hands of ton Murdock, "That's the last al restrictions would.make it im- officials of this city," he said. one. Any more discussion on possible for property owners to City planner Robert Reed re- this thing,the hell with it." ' sell their land. minded the council that council The council Thursday rejected Dick Schreier, 2125 DeSoto, members have said they do not rezoning of the property south who owns property on the north want "another South Robert of Beam Avenue, between White side of Beam and west of the. Street" south of the mall. Bear Avenue and Hazelwood mall, said the overlay ordinance If the council approves a re- Street, to a business commercial would be the last straw, added zoning of that land to BC, with- (BC)classification. to assessments for Beam Avenue out the "flexibility" of the over- It also rejected a proposal for improvements that will total lay o r d i n a n c e, he warned, an "overlay" district there and $1.30 per square foot. ''You're going to have to allow a throughout the diversified cen- "We might as well just mail drive-in restaurant on each piece ter. The "overlay" d i s t r i c t you a deed for that property and of property that requests it.' would have provided develop- save ourselves some headach- The only alternative, he said, ment controls in additon to the es," he said. is to "eliminate a lot of the BC base zoning of the property in Other property owners said that's already there," rezoning it the district. the very flexibility of the pro- back to farm residence (FR). Previously, the council had re- posed ordinance, which would Councilman John Greavu, the jected rezoning of the property ,allow the council to vary from only council member voting in south of Beam for limited busi- its provisions and those of the favor of the BC zoning Thurs- ness commercial (LBC) use. City zoning ordinances, wilt "scare" day, argued that the cost of the officials then created a new zon- developers, who will not know land and assessments will con- ing for the area, commercial of- whether they can expect approv- trol"what goes in." fice (CO), which also was reject- ___ ed. THE COUNCIL Thursday , agreed to meet with the city planning commission to come up with a zoning that will per- mit most'commercial uses but exclude some businesses the council does not want on Beam Avenue — for example, used car lots and fast food chaims. In effect, the council would be creating several categories of BC zoning. Such zoning classifica- t•ons are used by many other communities, Councilman Don- ald-Wiegert pointed out. Council members said the proposed overlay district was too restrictive and contained too many "loopholes." They also questioned the inclusion of property other than the area