HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 10-23 Fire station site acquisition okayed DISPATCH • I -4r6:-.,:,“'_.: isz.-.Ira e- station site -. II s i r' I I okayed vis,„.„, a3 )97s The Maplewood City Council possibility of an agreement with agreed last week to proceed with Woodbury, the commission said, acquisition of a site on Upper such as renting of space in the Afton Road as an "interim' lo- Woodbury fire station or arran- cation for a new f ire station, ing for Woodbury to cover criti- with a permanent site to be se- carareas in Maplewood. lected later farther to the south. But Woodbury, Wiegert said, WHETHER the Upper Afton "might throw us out before PP we're ready to move out." location, west of Century Ave- He added that fire trucks corn- nue and Carver Elementary ing from Woodbury could have School, would be the site of a difficulty crossing Century Ave- small permanent station or a nue until there are traffic con- small temporary station, would trots at Century and Upper Af- have to be studied, Councilman ton. Donald Wiegert said. Mayor Robert Bruton said he The city's comprehensive plan "leans toward a temporary sta- and community facilities study tion that could serve as a public show the preferred location for a works and police substation lat- fire station west of the intersec- er." tion of Linwood and Century "I can't ever see two fire sta- avenues, City Manager Michael tions down there," he said. Miller said, but that area will Bade said he would not object not produce enough volunteer to a temporary station if the fire-fighters ghterthis time. neighbors would accept it. Bob Badee,, chief of the East "Anything so we could get I County Line Fire Department, some equipment in there and said there are only 18 to 20 cut our res onse time on the homes along Linwood now, and in a fire department survey,only south end," a said. two persons indicated an inter- est in volunteering. DEPENDING on the type of housing developed in that area, he said, "we may never get vol- unteers." Rental housing, for example, produces few volun- teers,he said. On the other hand, Miller said, fire officials believe they can recruit about 30 volunteers from the Upper Afton area, abou, a mile and a half to the north. However, if a station were built at the Upper Afton site, which is three and a half miles from the south city limits, yet another station would be needed later to service the southernmost portion of the city, Miller said. Fire officials say a fire station will be needed soon in the "leg" area of Maplewood to k e e p up with development north of Upper Afton Road, he said. THE CITY has been consider- ing the purchase of a five-acre parcel on Upper Afton and a change in the comprehensive plan has been proposed, Miller said. I 11 e Maplewood Planning Commission recently r e c o m- mended against aplan Change. The city should investigate thi.