HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-11 Water system study ordered DISPATCH Water system studyl. oraerea it Nev. �'`� The Maplewood City Council. Milllr noted that the con- • last week ordered a feasibility sultants' report shows Maple- study for top-priority water sys- wood should participate in a tern improvements that will be ,new well twith North St. Paul necessary for the city to remain "in an amount between 20 and on a"retail"water system. 40 per cent.'. The cost of the improvements "If additional investment in recommended in a recent con- the well is required by North St. sultants' report, would be about Paul, then Maplewood should $6 million. . consider serving the area with The-council also resolved offi-' •the St.Paul system,"he said. cially to pursue a retail water _^` contract with the St. Paul Water Department, to continue nego- tiations with St. Paul on a rate schedule and to negotiate with North St. Paul on needed im- provements for the portion of Maplewood served by the North St.Paul water system. The feasibility study was op-' posed by Councilman John Greavu, who said, "It hasn't been proven to me we need (the improvements)." "We spent three quarters of a million dollars on a pumping s t a t i o n," he said. "What's wrong with it?" Councilman Burton Murdock voted against the resolution to pursue the retail water contract, and Councilman Donald Wie- gert said he voted yes "not with great enthusiasm." Both had fa- vored a "wholesale" water sys- tern operated by Maplewood. The retail contract still leaves the wholesale option open "if future negotiations or problems dictate," City Manager Michael Miller noted.