HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 12-11 Paramedic program threatened DISPATCH „.,_,!D N O 0 ()W (�"'a0'U !�”c TS --oy a"Q OT n n ro yr CA CZ 11.1110 acv u) NI ,-.vv, o < � ~roo *-•Durum ay @ .07)-- a) •ccnn -,— rDrD*+,0 rD 0"N >toi. rpm �Da �� x O %On �C'" ,.,31.cn A, •••1�. Q-.. r� O rDO "-rt cn O Ll.�'w e-tfrn V c" ro w ro :'- n,.n•n Cn r,O 00 L1.O O r" •D A' ? a' ell n C v, m ¢'rt m � O-'rD y rfl D.)ro C .,,-'C3 (-)F;, n ft, (� �� D rD Z.0 fr/ T - co 0 A' " _an rD Y(. ' >a So �.cn O O'®�1,sa,G ro'LS '' ro ro rD rt K TaQ O ...O " O' ro O ch cn''Li n.O ?..'' cnn T rt n'C n •-- < rD O «W ....- R' _ X.Cn D rt ryr o D EA ro �.' � rr r..CA t1..7 rD O Cil CD ro 0@ rt) rD �'ro fro " ro O O ay �. ,—, OAS �. an r ro A, a) '* w�" `3' •, " o " D.) ri.v, �va� GOO:�' T� rD,.j •-•ra-5 rD C".-""t a OJ "L3 b cn rt n A'.' rD m rD°*) y '* rD D rt (D C —a OJ M "O rD A, rD V! S1. - u, A, S3.A, 0-a-ro 0— 'T'.-... rOD O O ill 3 oap � ti:w o F6" 5'T 0 o ro �,ro -r� n`i 0 • �� 2 a H m � fDy � � � � � DoT Wro �� v .,;vroom o t,..,a I 0 ..- .ti p O " C O y ;ID rD 0-, _roro a. ro i "v a Z S� rrr) Q -. G _ �.rD 0 1 0 , co,at) 7143 5.n co T `_0 CA r* � O ago "a4 ro �cQ 2, •ro0 .1 0 ,-,• r 1) W ::7'. CC:1 I aD rD OI O..Z a) OO c - a-O (]a . CDaa ° . fD oo `nnc-c. n a, wr ,.d n Cr1 O T 'itri. ':;•" G O ti • r+•. ro O w� X r^ O ¢, a, T y rD b '<-•0 n.71 O O'" OO roaRtiro " rD rDOT n w T 40 llP � 4N O v, rn u) al n *1 Ul A- (t) a) CJ, < n , cn A,••c7r O rDnT✓>u, O " O O.-r, CD _ •n A, rD r'.7 ro ro O �k , ..., rE) V a0 rD " rTD r co, w O • O" et tn O '.o ai`C ~'w w ,- f'DD rD � v, ro 1:1- , a) •.-t N T, n rD w �_'GLLl. roto. 0' O'b �(.-n-, T u • r.. rD N .r"D C ti A, Oy T ^' Pi-oaramf Th c . �i , s 4is(( h. Continued from Page 1 ?rig community, and we are tak- we've got a lot of things we ing away from basic police ser- ought to do which require a ref- that law was superseded by the vices." erendum." 1971 law. Maplewood still can Additional trained personnel He referred to proposals for a levy for such services within its are needed to keep the paramed- new municipal building and existing levy limit,they added. is program going,Schaller said. other city facilities. SINCE the city already has "There are times of day we Councilman Norman Ander- levied the cost of the program don't have a medic on and we son added that he believes resi- for 1976, it will place those tax have to call them out," he said. dents realize the paramedic pro- receipts in escrow, pending ap- "They're on call all the time." gram has saved lives and that proval of the levy by the legisla- Miller said he favors a request they would pass a referendum ture or the voters,Miller said. for special legislation in order to for the program. The paramedic program will save the cost of a referendum, Ramsey County officials said continue in the meantime, he which could be held in late win- last week that if the council de- said, but the police department ter at the earliest. cides immediately not to contin- will be unable to hire five addi- Councilman Donald Wiegert, ue the paramedic program, the tional police officers who would however, said last week he county will take the $180,000 off also work half their hours as. would favor a referendum. the tax levy,Miller said. paramedics. "WE DON'T know if the peo- However, the council did not "We can't afford to go on the ple would want to exceed the act on that suggestion, which way we are now," Miller coin- levy limit on the paramedics," means that the city will attempt mented. "Maplewood is a grow- he said, "and at the same time, to continue the program.