HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-31 Maplewood council won't get involved in school closing DISPATCH Mdpléwood council won'tg et involved in scho I closing at �ct7 Maplewood's City Council, r Anderson admitted that his Councilman Norm Anderson comments, especially if he says, should actively oppose the speaks as a councilman, may be closing of Gladstone Elementary out of place. School. "But I am still going to speak BUT it was apparent at a out," he said, "because we (as council meeting last'week that councilmen) should take care of Anderson will have to wage the or neighborhoods." battle himself. HOWEVER, Councilman Burt The council as a whole was in Murdock said, "I am not truly no mood to become involved in upset about Gladstone being the protest of the controversial closed." decision of the North St. Paul- In fact, he suggested there Maplewood District 622 School should be still another school Board to shut down the school, closing because of declining en- which is across the street from rollment. He also said the build- the city hall. ing utilization committee,in ad- "I'VE had people call me up vising the school board on what and ask, 'Norm, why don't you school to close, was "very objec- do something? We need city tive." support,' "Anderson stated. "There's no sense," Murdock "I brought it up," he told the concluded, "in keeping a school council, "because I don't think open if it's going to cost District one person can do it all alone." 622 a lot of money." Anderson argued that the Councilman Don W i e g e r t closing of the school, at Frost urged the council to remain neu- Avenue and Manton Street, was tral on the issue. a blow to the neighborhood But it's okay for Anderson to school concept. "speak to the top of his lungs" • "There's no reason," he as- on the matter,he said,as long as serted, "why they cannot reduce he disassociates his statements the size of schools so they can from those of the council. keep them in the neighbor- "THE council shouldn't get hoods. It's a proven fact that as into it," Mayor Robert Bruton things get larger, they are not interjected. "I, personally, don't any better." want to get into a hassle,with or Residents of the Gladstone without council support.", neighborhood,he said,are upset Councilman John Greavu said mostly because children who he thinks the school board used to walk to school must should provide more evidence to now be bused. substantiate claims that'the clos- Pa m i'li e s moved into the `_ing actually will result in a sub- neighborhood partly because of stantial savings. - the proximity to the school, plus "I'm not saying," he added, its reputation for quality educa- "that the school should not be tion,he said. closed." In a time of rising fuel prices, _ Anderson stated,, the school board seems to be saying, 'Hey, we can bus s them(students) any length we want.' " "WELL, we are just building a bus syndicate," the council- man insisted, "for somebody making a big ripoff on the tax- payers."