HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-22 No taxes on home remodeling, Maplewood city council urges DISPATCH No tapes on home remodeling, ... Mciplewood cit council it Urges . s. �.c Homeowners should be ablel �,�type remodeling. ment or attic, also should be ex- to repair or remodel their homesempt from increases in valua- without facing a tax increase, ve," he said. "I don't think sITHINK this tax is regres- tion. members of the Maplewood i City Council said last week. its fair, and its not done on an Such exemptions, he said, THE COUNCIL asked that a equal basis." would encourage property own- resolution be drafted to send to own- ers to keep buildings in good re- theres legislature,utonrequestingdon i City Manager Michael Miller pair — "where the tendency is g noted that the county assessor not to do it for fear you'll pay lation that will encourage home- uses maintenance projects as an extra for it." owners to keep their homes in excuse to take a look at the rest good condition. of the house. Councilman Norman Ander- son said homeowners' taxes ap- Councilman Donald Wiegert parently are being raised if the said interior remodeling proj- homeowner does maintenance- ects, such as finishing a base-