HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-31 Councilman says streets near Maplewood Mall 'look like hell' DISPATCH • 15 (wz1-CAn, Out/ 61 . tc is Councilman `4q ' Mclewood MaU look ° ' hell' Beam and White Bear avenues said that landscaping and deco- "We have a tree spade," he in the vicinity of the Maple- rative lighting along Beam Ave- said. "We could plant any bush- wood Mall "look like hell," nue was considered but ruled es that people want to give us. I Maplewood City Councilman out because of the costs. just feel something has to be Norm Anderson says. The property owners, he ex- done.The area is in sad shape." plained, were frightened by the He said that maybe one reason He suggested in off-the-cuff remarks at a city council meet- proposed assessments. -why development has been ing last week that the city Anderson said the city proba- going to the east side of White should take steps to beautify the bly should attempt to beautify Bear Avenue, rather than to the area. the area "the cheapest way pos- west on Beam Avenue,where we sible." should be putting it." "IF WE ARE going to entice..------< development to come into the } mall area," he stated, "then surely we aren't going to do it the way we keep things up." The road medians "look like they are-heaving," he said. He also complained of tall grass shooting out of the cracks in the concrete. Beam Avenue, he said, is a stark, flat roadway with virtual- ' ly no landscaping. "What's our responsibility?" Anderson asked. "Is it our posi- tion to beautify the area?" COUNCILMAN Don Weigert