HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-17 Maplewood mayor syas council reconsiders too many decisions DISPATCH mayor Maplewood sa s council Y Y reco sider too manydecisions D t S o f `t.k.� S f j c�"7 S Maplewood Mayor Rob rtBRUTON, who has stated pre- nal project, Bruton said, that "it Bruton said last week he will viously that he belives the court- approved the site plan without not allow discussion to be re- cil is reconsidering too many de- adequate input." opened on matters that the cisions, ruled last week that two BRUTON ALSO tried to pre- council has already decided. items could not be reconsidered. vent consideration of a request HOWEVER, he was overruled that part of County Ditch 17 be both times by the other four left uncovered between Kennard council members. Street and Maryknoll Avenue. "I will raise the question ev- The plans the council approved ery time," Bruton promised. call for a covered ditch. "We're going to be meeting sev- That ruling, too, was over- en days a week." ruled. Other councilmen disagreed, "I'll meet seven days a saying changes may have to be week," Councilman Norman made or questions answered be Anderson said. "I want to see fore it is too late to alter a prof- this thing rectified and done ect. right." Bruton said that continual re- Councilman Donald Wiegert consideration of council deci- said, "I don't know how else a sions " "becomes reflective of person gets an answer to this poor decision-making. It shows type of question. enough time is not being spent Bruton, however, said the on the original decision." council has heard the matter THE MAYOR first ruled that twice. "The fundamental ques- the council could not consider a tion is, we don't believe the en- request by the developers of gineers,"he said. Maplewood Plaza to discuss The council agreed that the their assessments for the north- resident who raised the question east area street project and pos- could, come before the council sible changes in the project. again when the final study for Bruton said the council al- the project is ready. ready had decided on the street improvements and any reconsi- deration, under council rules, must be made at the same meet- ing as the original decision or .the meeting after. He also noted that the city has not had an assessment hearing ,for the project yet. That ruling was overruled 4 to 1. Inland : Construction Co., builders of the plaza, told the council they cannot get financ- ing with the proposed assess- ments, because the land is being leased to the developer, who is to pay the assessment cost. Inland proposed that the city delay paving portions of Lydia and Ariel streets, reducing street costs$85,500. The council referred that pro- posal to its 'staff, with Bruton dissenting. "This man knew these streets were going to be done when he requested the site," he said. "That all has been discussed 'and a decision has been made." The council apparently was so anxious to proceed on the origi'-