HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 07-15 Maplewood passes ordinances requjiring mobile home tie-downs DISPATCH i ues.,Duly ID, is St.Paul Dispatch (E) 5 Maplewood passes - ordinance requiringmobilehome The Maplewood City Council mobile home parks. tions but could hire someone to Thursday passed an ordiance re- The council compromised on design them. quiring tie-downs for new in- the ordinance by removing ref- "But I don't think they'll stallations of mobile homes. erences to e x i s t i n g mobile come at any less money," he THE ORDINANCE does not homes. It was approved 4-1, said, referring to residents' cost require residents of existing with Council John Greavu dis- objections. units to tie down their mobile nt unless they the senting. Wiegert said he understands home homes, a new moven in Ma-e The council also adopted on a residents' concerns, since his home td. 3 2 vote a resolution asking the daughter lives in a mobile ro- state to work with mobile home home, but the council is con- The ordinance, aimed at P manufacturers to devise a more cerned with "more than the pro- tecting mobile homes and resi- secure system of tie-downs. tectin of the dents in high winds, met with COUNCILMAN Norman An- They could put a burden nl th- stiff Opposition from mobile ' derson, who proposed the reso- er people in the community." home owners, who said tie- lution, said he agreed with resi- Maplewood's r e s c u e units downs probably would not be dents that the required tie- needed, would be expensive and were sent to New Brighton to would note effective a se- downs, which must comply_with aid mobile home owners after a veru storm or tornado. state regulations, are not ade- storm there, Wiegert noted, I SEVERAL mobilelhome resi- quate. leaving Maplewood "exposed." dents said last week theywould Councilman Donald Wiegert, Freavu said he was concerned who dissented on the resolution, that, changing regulations and prefer a requirement for under- said the council does not have to the possible addition of federal ground shelters for residents of ask the state for better snecifica- regulations for tie-downs would impose a hardship on mobile home owners. The federal government should go to the manufacturers and require standardized an- 1 choring systems,he said. A new tie-down system prob- ably will have to be installed for each mobiel home that occupies a.site, city officials said, because the various brands of mobile homes have beams and other features in different locations. City Manager Michael Miller, however, said an original staff estimate of the cost of tie-downs apparently was high. The city had estimated $400, but a state .building official said that figure --would be reduced because of changes in state requirements. A recent newspaper article es- timated the cost at $200 to $400, Miller noted. Anderson said that one Ma- plewood resident installed his own anchoring system for$50.