HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-14 City rec funds for schools OKd DISPATCH C ity rec f unds A;so for scliools OKd The Maplewood City Vouncil Education Director George Von last week approved, 3 to 1, a Drashek said. $2,500 allocation for supervision See Funds,Page 2 of city recreation activities in the schools. A North St. Paul-Ma- plewood School District 622 of- ficial promised that the money will not be requested if it is not needed. THE ALLOCATION to the district for 1975-76 represents an increase of about$1,000 over the amount Maplewood is now pay- ing for its own supervision of recreation programs. According to city staff members, i t will mean cutbacks elsewhere in a tight city budget. The district requested the $2,500 as part of a new program under which District 622 will handle hiring and assignment of monitors for community activi- ties in the schools. THE AMOUNT represents a charge of 10 cents per capita. The North St. Paul City Council has agreed to pay $1,100, and I Oakdale is being asked to pay $I,50�0, District 622 Community _..,...iiiueu hunt rage i .. Among the programs cut, ne The increase in Maplewood's said, is the $5,000 per year the costs, he said, reflects the fact city has been giving the Maple- that District 622 hires teachers wood Athletic Association. and other adults over age 21 to The association will be supervise programs, whereas "knocking at your door this Maplewood for the most part year," he told the city council, has hired high school and col- with a budget proposal "double lege students. from what we've just cut from THE SCHOOL district pays them. its supervisors $3.50 to $4.50 an City Manager Michael Miller hour, while Maplewood pays its said it will be up to the city supervisors$2 to$2.15 per hour. council to decide whether the Von Drashek said the supervi- cuts will come from the 1976 sors must handle adults as well community education budget or as children. Since the older su- elsewhere. pervisors have been hired, he "It's going to have to. come said, vandalism and other prob- from somewhere,"he said. lems have decreased. Councilman Burton Murdock Another advantage,he said,is also objected to paying an in- that the supervisors are "part of creased amount for supervision. our staff" and are familiar with "IF THE SYSTEM is doing the school and equipment. fine with the people that we're MAPLEWOOD officials did hiring, why the hell should we not dispute the desirability of pay another $1,200 for the same consolidating supervisory ef- services?"he asked. forts, but did question the in- Miller also noted that District creased expenditure. 622 has "new financial re- Maplewood Community Edu- sources" to fund the new pro- cation Director Eric Blank as- gram. Von Drashek said later serted that the increase will that about $12,000 in new funds mean cutbacks in city recreation will be available from the state, programs. S e v e r a I programs but the district is "holding them have been cut already this year, closely" for program develop- I he noted. nient. "THEIR AGENCY is creating Von Drashek also said district programs," Blank said, "and officials believe "This is one we're in a situation where we're program where there should be cutting back. I feel .we should . a commitment" from all who retain the programs we have he- sponsor the program. fore we create new programs." But, he said, "If our budget 1 works out that there is excess .