HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 08-11 Five on Maplewood police force now double as paramedics PIONEER PRESS , t.pcint pioneer preys '"---7.------3 Mon.,Aug. I I '75 13 CiTy , LIFE MONTH-OLD PROGRAM k")tnv e al- f ee..5 kik. R , 19`W Five onMaplewoodpolicet. force now , doubleo cs BY GREG HUGHES coliimunity that relies on d volun- regular patrol duty so when there Writer teer fire department. is a call for a stroke or heart at- Staff t, According to Maplewood Police tack victim �e unit is very likely A Maplewood resident struck by Department paramedic supervi- closer to the persons residence. a heart attack,assaulted by an in- sor Lt. Dennis Cusick, the city's Every second counts in that kind trader in his home, or both, now police paramedic service is the of a situation. can get emer ony one of its kind in Minnesota Cusick, a 32-year-old police offi- gency help by .Q -. and perhaps the nation.Emergen- cer who supervises Maplewood's calling the po- cy paramedic service is provided patrol division, explained plans lice. by fire departments in most cities. for expanding the paramedic P r o t ection ; ,, Made possible largely through team are under way, with new from harm is, Tanning nd 1975 state ambulance vehicles scheduled to nothing new tp persistentP be put into use early this fall. Policemen o r legislation, two blue and white P And the department hopes to the persons theyMaplewood paramedic,units be- double the number of paramedic- are charged to gan helping patrol the city's 22 trained officers. No' square miles Jul 15.serve but car diac monitors, =�" "We definitely feel the bigad Those now trained and ice, - of- telemetrytrans ing 24-hour paramedic service,Cusick vantage our police paramedics ficers Jim Horton, Robert Vor- mitting radios, have over o t h e r paramedics. Graf defibralators and cardiopulmi- This is because police officers are k, sick, Halwerk,David five -a nary resuscitators are. here The paramdic units aren't and Cusick, studied for five th St. P half months side by side with St. Five members of that city's 37_ dispatched from a central point Paul Fire Department paramed- man police force double as fully- as you normally find in other op- ics at St.Paul-Ramsey Hospital. qualified paramedics in an unusu- erations. Following the intensive training al, month-old setup that offers "Here," he said, "our paramed- period, which left the department quick assistance in a suburban is units are out on the streets on temporarily short-handed, Maple- wood police paramedics spent sev- eral weeks studying and riding with St. Paul Fire Department paramedics to polish their knowl- edge of emergency procedures. � i�+�.Qq'� d�' C w n c,C.C = "J.. C•00` C 0 fD o CD 'O�.s • _0 e0-t 0 'Y 0 n 0 0 , O'"O _ Fn•'17 w w w cr, cD.'a pp'0 n z, O .,.C� .,Cp -,- G. 0 ,,-w' - '�,tr�` w'�ren a r:;.•¢ NoEt� r'.,.Cn oA, v, ,. 0 0w Ccrq w �.0"mon off =,,_.`oC C `� ccD `" t7cn "' nwo `" cQa = _,.a',OriCj� CDoCDCD CD 0oCD 0 fv O'� ocdco0 ocDCDm 0 w K w r' h7 C., 2, CD ..-,0 0, C cn n L].: CD'LS 0'0 7'`+' w 0.r-f. _ 0 CD fDAI7cbOOv � wcowew2crci0.� A�7a00— n,"' 8• as C.DO va �74u, v, 00t. O e. w p � w = � o -s o `"�o w .Y .W'". w "�5 0 O e.-r w En C�,CD VC al ry_r-n e-e, .0., O Z "L7 �,'45 (D o =roc.,. a..v CD I.,m .„o c �� 0. 0 c4 Ltn CD (D ��. ,'Y CDG 0. .CD 0 0•"0.Y O�'f0D O 0 Ste'Al _C o CD '�..5.'CD o C en+- w Q' cn 5 on 0Y0 O ` 0 � u ¢ TJ ` 0G v, 'C �`C7 � w -'50 '-Ya) ! ' zt n r cl) 0cn n °QL w =m CD CD 0. ,.5 w w en w ..� w n cn 0.moCD 0.,0 D CD w Q.' 0 CD w KA, CD0C(D cnowwnror-AS'''<C) Al a: 0 = ¢j . CD D a' CD S t wcco -. . iA) !-�G 2.• 0 nD co 0 r) c�- cn ..,w C L,CD Cn co .1 .TfD 27 co CY]O e-. ,<.w fa.= co cn co CD 0 0 "C 0O 0b5r .'i CD 0'R O .''Y ti CD (D Ln n 5i'f! :~' 0.n " O dcc , (I) Ct-,.. . CD ,yO C CD 00 C C -r