HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 07-27 Keller Golf Course hosts free golf clinic for girls PIONEER PRESS7/27/2016 THINGS TO DO Keller Golf Course hosts free golf clinic for girls CourseKeller Golf girls agesto free golf cliniE 11 he new clulblhouse at Keller Golf Couirs,e was Il girt of a h,1.2.2 rinillion reirwva9ion of the IMalplewood course and uts facllltdps (Pitoineeir Press: IBen C arv'iin) By G1111lNO "'IY"III!!ilkll'tlIE111l..11l.. I gterrell@pioneerpress.com July 26, 2016 at 8:15 pm First Tee Twin Cities and the LPGA will host a free golf clinic at 1:30 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Keller Golf Course in Maplewood for girls ages 7-17. Experienced and inexperienced golfers are welcomed. The event will include lessons on the fundamentals of golf and the opportunities there are for women in the sport. Those who own golf equipment are encouraged to bring their own clubs. Some golf clubs will be available to those who may not own equipment. The first 48 golfers to arrive will receive a free hat. This event is free, and no registration is required. Keller Golf Course is located at 2166 Maplewood Drive. Tags: Golf, Ramsey County 11101 Gino Terrell Gino Terrell is a news intern and a recent graduate from Hamline University (Class 2016) who founded an award winning student magazine on campustitled Pipers In -Depth. In addition to working at the Hamline School of Business, the Maple Grove commuter and ThreeSixty Journalism alumnus has freelanced for MinnPost and Twin Cities Daily Planet covering community features, arts and news stories. He also interned at KSTP TV, American Public Media Group, AdoptAClass room.org and Hamline Midway Elders. TODAY!SUBSCRUBIE SAVE OVER 809/6.1.1 http://www.twi ncities.com/2016/07/26/kel I er-golf-course-i nvites-gi rl s -ages -7 -17 -to -free -golf -clinic/ 1/2 7/27/2016 Keller Golf Course hosts free golf clinic for girls http://www.twi ncities.com/2016/07/26/kel I er-golf-course-i nvites-gi rl s -ages -7 -17 -to -free -golf -clinic/ 2/2