HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 07-27 Cable commission cuts public access TV programs MAPLEWOOD REVIEW ...�„„..............._....� .._..... ...�.�..�..w.�.x.....�..�,�_. .�._M�,..�.__m..�w.........�.,.....�. µ.�..-_...,...-,..,....-...M_.�___ ..,w..,w,m._.,�.._....�........,.m..�._m�,._..�.,_,.�._......._.,W._-._..._-....._,�....�._._w_�..-..�,�.,_�.�w_,�,-._....�.�.w,...�,.�.�.w-.�,._._ bileinedgui, 14 -3-71 2 Cable commission cuts public access TV programs Maplewood's withdrawal access programs produced by the city took with it over nel 16 producer and assistant duced by individuals using the residents, and refocus its mis- $500,000 in operating reve- producer positions were also public access studio and chan- has severely impacted sion more strongly on corn- nues,which"severely impacted eliminated, and three other nels. commission's budget munity, education and govern- the [cable commission's] bud- positions were not filled after Petersen explained, "Public ment programming. get and operating revenues people left, according to Candy access shows are basically citi- Aundrea Kinney According to executive needed to maintain current Petersen, a North St. Paul City zens who have their own cable Review staff director Tim Finnerty, these operations,"according to a July Council member and RWSCC TV shows,such as Bob Zick." changes are being made imme- 19 release from the RWSCC. commissioner. The RWSCC serves 11 mem- After the loss of its larg- diately. The release also states, "I feel really bad," Petersen ber cities — Birchwood Village, est member city and the sub- When the Maplewood City "Operating at current lev- said. "You hate to lose jobs,but Dellwood, Grant, Lake Elmo, sequent revenue losses, the Council decided the city would els was not sustainable." As a you want to still [be able to] Mahtomedi,North St.Paul,Oak- Ramsey-Washington Suburban withdraw from the Ramsey- result, public access programs produce something." dale, Vadnais Heights, White Cable Commission announced Washington Suburban Cable were cut. Additionally, the According to Finnerty,public it was forced to cut all public Commission on Jan. 1, 2016, GTN government access chan- access is the programming pro- see Withdrawal on page 2 lo up, Withdrawal Hover said to this point,"taplaccording to Holder said."I hope that Maplewood city staff. ••• there's a time that we can Maplewood is broad- add [public access pro- casting content from the continued from page 1 Amendment rights or gramming]back." local schools on Channel issues with the content of 15 and government con- Bear Lake, White Bear public access programs;it Refocusing tent generated from city Township and Willer- was purely a budget issue. Finnerty and Petersen meetings on Channel nie.Its board of directors They said there simply verified in separate inter- 16,said Mychal Fowlds, is comprised of members wasn't any money avail- views that camera crews Maplewood's informs- from each of the cities. able to support producing will still be sent to cover tion technology director, the shows. community events,such at a June 13 city council RWSCC special "I love public access as parades,5K races and workshop. meeting too, but we just don't high school commence- He added that the city Many residents have the money," ment ceremonies. plans to create new con- attended a special Petersen told the crowd. The press release even tent and revive old pro- RWSCC meeting July 18 "We did the best we states that the 11 member grams like"Spotlight on and voiced opposition to could,and we saved some cities will notice"greater Maplewood." the dropping of the public people's jobs." coverage of local events Like the RWSCC, access cable shows pro- "This is a difficult sit- and community activities." Maplewood has 10 cable duced by residents. nation,and we're doing Finnerty noted, TV channels it could be During the public cora- the best we can," said "There have been several using, but Fowlds said ment portion of the meet- Lori Pulkrabek,Oakdale improvements includ- any new programs would ing,some in the audience city council member and ing live streaming of city probably be broadcast on asserted that pulling the RWSCC chairperson. council meetings so that Channel 16. plug on the shows"was a "The commission is residents without cable "We wanted to have violation of their freedom keeping its commitments service, or who cannot one channel with good of speech." to its member communi- watch meetings in real content versus several Several commission- ties,"Finnerty said in an time,can have access to channels with sporadic ers responded that it had email interview. "Those city government." content,"Fowlds said. nothing to do with First commitments include Holder said, "We're Residents in Maple- supporting and improv- putting a priority on the wood as well as the 11 ing government and local city meetings being avail- RWSCC cities will all events/community activi- able to all residents — notice a dwindling of pro- ties programming using cable customers and non- gramming on local cable Comcast channels 16 and cable customers alike." channels starting this 19." She explained that until summer, and regardless Lake Elmo RWSCC this summer,Lake Elmo of which suburb they live commissioner Ginny residents who did not in,they will no longer be Holder said that when have cable TV service able to view public access the commission realized could not watch the meet- programming produced budget cuts were neces- ings live. by residents. sary,the top priority was making sure residents Maplewood Aundrea Kinney can be could still access that gov- On the other side of reached at 651-748-7822 ernment programming. the fence, things aren't or akinneyflillienews. "It's just terrible that much better,but they are cons.