HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 07-27 Details emerge about death of North High School senior prom MAPLEWOOD REVIEW tahtic cL l 0" 211 Zo!(o Details emerge about death of North High School senior after prom Police released more death,according to a July dent,Jaskulka's parents "This is an underage information about the 20 Maplewood police reportedly drove her person. If she was pro- death of Anna Jaskulka, press release. home from prom at the vided alcohol,we would the 18-year-old senior at The official cause of Landmark Center.They like to know how that North High death, the last saw her 15 minutes came about," Schnell School who release says, before finding her unre- said. died May 21 was "mixed sponsive. after returning drug toxicity." She was in full cardiac —Aundrea Kinney to her Maple- t According arrest when Maplewood wood home . to Schnell,the emergency responders from prom at medications arrived at her home in the Landmark Jaskulka took the 2300 block of Schadt Center in St. were antide- Drive in Maplewood at Paul. 1 pressants,and around 11 p.m. At the time ■ he said police Paramedics tried to of the inti- Anna laskulka believe they resuscitate Jaskulka in dent, Maple- were the same her home, but she was wood Police ones she was ultimately transported to Chief Paul Schnell said prescribed to take. the Woodwinds Health that police knew alto- Schnell added that Campus in Woodbury hol was involved in her police found no indica- where she was pro- death,but it was uncer- tions Jaskulka was sui- nounced dead. tain if other substances cidal. Jaskulka was only were also in the mix. "It's the combination about two weeks away Nearly two months that was deadly,"Schnell from graduating from later,the Ramsey County said, adding that with North High School at Medical Examiner deter- the absence of either the the time of her death. rmn'ed'ifd-as a combina- alcohol or the antidepres- Although the cause of tion of alcohol and pre- sants, the death would her death has been deter- scription medications not have occurred. mined,the investigation that caused Jaskulka's The night of the inti- remains open.