HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-11 The largest street sign DISPATCH The larges#stree sign Qi 5V 4.1.C:k English teachers soon will - Using. have occasion to cringe as they "It's the people elsewhere drive along Hwy. 61 in Maple- that don't get onto 61 that don't wood. know they can get there that way," Wiegert said. THE Maplewood Mall intends Wiegert, however, opposed to erect two lighted billboards the billboards, as did Mayor there that will direct traffic to R o b e r t Bruton. Councilman the mall. The signs also will Norm Anderson voted to ap- bear, in 14-inch letters, the prove them "very reluctantly." mall's current advertising slo- gan: "We Got It." THE COUNCILMEN, and the The billboards were approved Community D e s i g n Review by the Maplewood City Council Board, fear the approval will set on a 3-2 vote last week, over the a precedent for others who want negative recommendation of the to direct traffic to their business- city's Community Design Re- es. Bruton also said he thinks view Board. The reasons for the the signs, 20 feet wide and a to- vote are interesting. tal of 25 feet high,are too large. Maplewood has a multi-mil- Theboard's report envisionsl lion-dollar street to the mall billboards strung along Maple- with no traffic on it — namely, wood's thoroughfares, "detract- the controversial Beam Avenue, ing from the community im- which was opened through to age." Hwy.61 recently. That could indeed come to s un- THE MALL signs will direct der for all sign proposals aass, if the council s as- traffic specifically to Beam Ave- ily as it did for this one. nue. Fortunately, there is only one ; The signs were approved for Beam Avenue. And let us hope. i one year, after which time, a the occasions are few when the' y mall spokesman said, .people council has to call on business- will know the road is there. men to help them advertise a Councilman Burt Murdock, city street. however, said he's be willing to give the signs an additional six months, "just to get the street moving." Murdock and Councilman 'Don Wiegert alsoioM the mall representative that it should be the mall's responsibility to men- tion Beam Avenue in its adver-