HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 11-13 Citizen protests rejection to serve on commission DISPATCH Citizen protests rejection to serve on commission 1plsrpoc , Nov 13 , A Maplewood residenf has Commission Chairperson Ja- protested the rejection of his ap- net Kampf, however, told the plication to serve on the city's council that the commission has human relations commission. heard Brisson and reviewed his case on several occasions. ALBERT BRISSON Sr., 2637 Stillwater Road, asked to be "IT IS the opinion of the placed on last week's agenda in commissioners that Mr. Brisson order to question council mem- would be a disruptive person to bers on his rejection. have on the commission,' she However, he was not present wrote. "He has had a history of when the item came up for dis- being irresponsible in his other cussion, and the council tabled community activities." the request. Brisson, who identified him- Mayor Robert Bruton said self as the Ramsey County chair- Brisson had served previously man of the Ramsey County Tax- on the White Bear Lake Human payers Party, said in a letter that Relations Commission, a n d, the commission "denied my "For many months they were rights to serve" on the commis- unable to conduct any business sion, to which he applied in Oc- because he was deliberately dis- tober,1974. ruptive to the meeting."