HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08-20 Developer gets ok to start construction of townhouses THE REVIEW Developer gets ok to start construction of townhouses 'By MARY LEE HAGERT "The other side will sit vacant and I will better served if one of the circle drives in maintain it,"Goff stated. Goff's plat is connected with the proposed After a lengthy discussion on the pros Juker asked,"Then you have no plans English Street extension south of County and cons of double dwellings and street to rent the vacant side?" Road C. placements,the Maplewood City Council "None,"Goff responded. Bill Bittner, city engineer, said that recently gave Pat Goff permission to He added,"With today's market,young proposal sounded good,but might not be build three homes on his property. couples can't get into single family possible because the specifications for Goff owns 11.11 acres east of the in- homes, yet they don't like going into constructing English Street have been tersection of Duluth Street and County condos or apartments.This is a chance issued.The council is due to review bids Road C near Highway 61 in Maplewood. for them to have a little bit of suburban on the project at its Aug.21 meeting. He plans to eventually construct 26 double living." In its motion to approve Goff's dwellings on his property.The first three Louise Hanover,1290E.County Road C, preliminary plat,the council asked the units approved by the council border said she was worried about where the landowner to meet with his neighbors to County Road C. children living in the units would attend see what changes they would like in the Several neighbors in the area school."They(District 622 school board) plan. surrounding Goff's land expressed con- just closed Hazelwood School.Where will The council also directed Goff to begin cern about the style of the buildings and the kids go?" construction on the first of the three the status of the dwelling occupants at the She continued, "There could be ap- approved double dwellings within the next city council meeting. proximately 255 persons living in these two years. One neighbor asked if the units would be double dwellings;can you imagine what In other action,the council recently: rented. kinds of traffic problems that will -Gave preliminary approval for tax- Goff said the purchase price of one side create?" exempt mortgage revenue financing in of the double dwellings will be about Jim Cumberland,1216 E.County Road the amount of$1,250,000 to Donald Nelson $55,000 to$60,000,and he expects them to C,told the council that Goff's develop- and Robert Johnson.They are owners of a be owner occupied. ment would isolate his property.Another Hirshfield's franchise that is to be located Each side will have a livingroom, neighbor,John Matson,1230 E. County in a proposed shopping center along diningroom,tuck under garage,redwood Road C, suggested "two nice straight Beam Avenue south of Maplewood Mall. deck and 40 to 50 feet of yard. roads" would better serve his nearby Hirshfield's stores sell paint and wall The units will meet FHA and VA property than the proposed curved,circle coverings. specifications.Monthly payments will be streets. —Granted a special exception to Holy at least$500 a month,Goff said,so people Goff's preliminary plat has a new Redeemer Church, 2555 Hazelwood will need incomes in the$20,000 to$30,000 frontage road running through it. The Street,for the Growing Room Daycare range to afford one of these homes. proposed frontage road will be built Center.The center will use two rooms in "I expect it will be either young between Gervais Avenue and County the church Monday through Friday. It families or older couples buying these Road C east of Duluth Street. will serve a maximum of 30 children, homes,"Goff said. The land west of the frontage road has a offering a Montessori program as well as Goff told the council that he does not commercial zoning,which displeased the child care facilities. plan to build the double dwellings until neighbors.They asked to have the zoning after they are sold. switched to residentialin the next city Councilwoman Fran Juker asked, comprehensive plan. "What if you build a double dwelling and Councilman Norman Anderson sell only one side?" suggested the neighborhood might be