HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 12-31 City workers get belated gift THE REVIEW Maplewood grants 4.5% raise Llee /9k) City workers get belated g ift By MARY LEE HAGERT Mayor John Greavu voted against the socialist approach. However, we are either side." The employees of the City of pay raise and explained why he disagreed living in a capitalistic society and people Nelson, Bastian and Councilwoman Maplewood will be getting belated with Evans'pay raise recommendation. are paid for their positions on a corn- Fran Juker voted in favor of the 4.5 Christmas gifts of sorts. Greavu said he preferred to give all petitive basis. I'll bet the top guy at percent pay raise.Councilman Norman The Maplewood City Council voted 3 to 1 employees the same dollar amount raise. Burlington Northern gets paid twice as Anderson is recuperating from surgery earlier this month give all city employees "I would like to give everybody an across much as the bottom man." and was not present at the meeting. a 4.5 percent pay raise effective Jan.1. the board flat rate pay increase," the Greavu, who is employed by the In other action the council recently: In a memorandum to the council mayor stated. railroad company,responded,"The heck —Approved a lot division and three members, Maplewood City Manager One of his objections to the 4.5 percent they do!" variances to allow the subdivision and Barry Evans said,"There is no question increase is that persons at the top of the Councilman Earl Nelson said,"I think development of property owned by Aaron that inflation is hurting all employees, city's pay scale will receive a larger it(the 4.5 percent pay raise)is a pretty Rupert along Carey Heights Drive. therefore to minimize its effect,plus that dollar raise per month than those at the good move." Rupert's case was deemed a hardship and of increased social security...I would lower end of the pay schedule. Councilman Gary Bastian said,he was the council granted the division even like to recommend an initial increase of "If you give everybody a 4.5 percent concerned about giving the raise while the though his property does not have fron- 4.5 percent on the base only of 1980 raise,then a person making$40,000 a year employees'union contracts were being tage on a dedicated city street. salaries and wages for all city employees may get a raise of$180 a month,whereas negotiated."I've got a gut feeling that —Granted a sign variance to increase effective Jan.1." a person making$15,000 will only get$60 a some(employees)might feel it's a move the signage for the Maplewood Bowl from Evans is currently negotiating the month,"Greavu said."I don't think that one way or the other.Without the pay five to nine signs. employees'union contracts for 1981.He is fair.Every year the gap between the increase they may settle faster," —Vacated a portion of Kingston Street emphasized that his recommendation was persons at the top and those at the bottom Evans responded,"I disagree.I really right-of-way lying east of Sylvan Street. for"an initial increase,which would be gets bigger." don't think that will be the effect. I've —Renewed a liquor license for J.T. absorbed as part of any final union set- Evans retorted,"That(the same dollar talked with the union people and they Hideaway(also known as J.T.Bar and tlement." amount raise for all employees)is a good understand this is not a movement on Lounge Inc.).