HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 11-05 Datsun to ask for tax-exempt note THE REVIEW Datsun to ask forNovs tax- exempt note �q'' Hess Kline of Royal Datsun Inc.,will A preliminary plat for 'Tilsen's request tax-exempt status for a$600,000 Maplewood Heights No. 11 will be commercial revenue financing note from reviewed at an 8 p.m.public hearing.The the Maplewood City Council at its Nov.6 plat establishes three lots on the south meeting. side of Gall Avenue near McKnight Road. Kline's application will be the subject of A city code amendment to require a a 7:30 p.m.public hearing conducted by zoning change when a double dwelling is the city council at the Maplewood built in an area zoned for single family Municipal Building,1380 Frost Ave. homes will be the subject of an 8:15 p.m. Kline is planning to construct a Datsun public hearing. automobile dealership along the east side Council members Norman Anderson of Highway 61 between Gervais Avenue and Fran Juker have notified Lucille and County Road C. Aurelius,city clerk,that they will not be On Sept.18,the Maplewood City Council able to attend the Thursday meeting. somewhat unknowingly capped the Two scheduled public hearings are for granting of the tax-exempt status by rezoning requests. In order to be ap- adopting a policy to limit the amount of proved,these requests need"yes"votes notes issued to five percent of the by four council members. assessed taxable valuation of property in Because there will only.be three the city.After investigation,the council councilmen present at the meeting, a learned it had already exceeded the five hearing on the rezoning of the parcel of percent limit. land north of Roselawn Avenue and west At its Oct. 16 meeting, the council of Sloan Place for the construction of a members decided to remove the five McDonald's Restaurant will be tabled. percent limit. Instead, the council Also tabled will be a rezoning ap- members decided to use prudent plication for 763 N.Century Ave. judgement in granting its tax-exempt In addition,the council members also status in the future. are likely to table action on a code The Datsun dealer's request for the tax- amendment to establish a residential exempt status in order to obtain mortgage estate district. note financing is the first one to come up At 8:45 p.m. the council.will have a since the criteria change. public hearing to consider the revocation A public hearing on issuing an off-sale of the Bodell liquor license. liquor license for a new applicant to Under unfinished business is a tax- operate Party Time Liquor Store, 1740 exempt mortgage note for the Carlton Van Dyke Ave.,will also be at 7:30 p.m. Racquetball Club. At 7:45 p.m.,the council will have a Under new business is: a special ex- public hearing on another off-sale liquor ception request to operate a window license. MGM Liquor, a wholesale washing business at the intersection of dealership, is requesting a license to Elm Street and Kohlman Avenue;a date operate a store at 1975 E.County Road D. for a joint meeting with the Maplewood The business will operate in the former Planning Commission; a petition on Burger Chef Restaurant building,which McKnight Road;a discussion of a special is just south of Interstate 694 along White use permit by George Ostrand, and Bear Avenue, Opticom installations,