HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07-09 New trails, cleaner water for Lake Phalen THE REVIEW New trails, cleaner water for Lake Phalen cio Bikepaths, widening part of Frost Frost Ave. A public hearing on the Avenue stone bridge.The stonework will This displeased Mayor John Greavu, t* Avenue,and cleaning up the lake water projects will follow at 7:30 p.m. be saved,but a new,more level surface who told Leonard that the paths were an are all part of a Ramsey County project to Among the things included in this will be applied to the bridge, Leonard added expense for the taxpayers and were 0,:" improve Keller and Phalen Lakes. ambitious project is a program to im- explained. not used sufficiently to warrant the cost of Wayne R. Leonard, coordinating prove the water quality in Lake Phalen. Along with the widening of Frost maintaining them. J engineer for the Ramsey County On the drawing board,Leonard said,is Avenue toll feet,a bike trail will be in- Councilman Norman Anderson said he '.. Department of Public Works,explained a plan to pump water from the canal stalled along the Frost Avenue Con- disagreed with the mayor.He told Greavu f> the proposed improvements for the Lake connecting Keller and Phalen Lakes and nection and along one side of Frost that he sees the bike paths being used and Phalen restoration project and the Keller diverting it to the east and west marshy Avenue from the stone bridge to Adele plans to purchase a bicycle and use the Regional Park development to the areas. Street. trails himself. Maplewood city council on July 3. On a motion by Greavu, the council ' The water will be allowed to filter Leonard told the council that public decided to unanimously accept the These projects include constructing the through the vegetation and marsh soil, safety around the lakes and parks is being county's final plans for the project and the "Frost Avenue Connection" between which will cleanse it. The water will heavily emphasized in this project.The agreement on the construction costs. Frost Avenue and East Shore Drive in eventually be siphoned back into the county anticipates traffic will increase Councilman Earl Nelson was unable to Maplewood, widening Frost Avenue canal and allowed to flow into Lake when Frost Avenue is widened and"the attend the meeting due to a recent ankle between Parkway Avenue and Walter Phalen. bike paths will be necessary because we injury. Street,and installing watermains in the The county engineering staff an- will need to get the kids and bikes off the Because of his absence, the public area. ticipates this filtering process will roadway,"Leonard said. hearings on Southlawn Avenue, Brook- Leonard said the county officials will be remove about 85 percent of the water Part of the bike path system along view Drive Storm Sewer,and the rezoning conducting an informational meeting on pollutants now going into Lake Phalen. Frost Avenue and Fast Shore Drive will of a parcel of land along White Bear these projects at 6:30 p.m.July 29 at the The project also calls for removing the be donated to the city of Maplewood and Avenue in northeast Maplewood were Maplewood Municipal Building, 1380 present surface and curbs on the Frost will become its respcnsibility to maintain, tabled until the July 17 meeting.