HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07-02 Southlawn Drive construction before council again THE REVIEW Southlawn Drive construction before council again A public hearing on constructing A 7:45 p.m.public hearing will be for residence district multiple(townhouses). Southlawn Drive from Beam Avenue to the installation of a storm sewer pipe near Johnson wants to build six four-plex Q south of Radatz Avenue is first on the Brookview Drive. townhouses on the property, which is cb agenda for the Maplewood city council The vacation of a street right of way located in the center of a block bordered q., meeting at 7:30 p.m.July 3. will be addressed at 8 p.m.The request by White Bear and Radatz Avenues in The street construction project was for the road vacation is along Duluth Maplewood and Chisholm Avenue in initiated to provide needed public Street between Leland Road and County North St.Paul.Earlier,the council turned `•Nit facilities to serve the proposed Maple Road B. down Johnson's rezoning application. Knolls Townhouse Development.The 57- A request for a special use permit for Also on the council agenda are:repair J unit project is planned for a 6.25 acre site the construction of a dormer on a home at of sewer service at 1935 E.Larpenteur (J' in the center of a block bounded by 1960 Clarence St.,will be the subject of a Ave.; final plans for the Frost Avenue Kohlman,Radatz and White Bear Avenue public hearing at 8:30 p.m. connection; a plan review appeal by and the proposed Southlawn Drive. At the request of Councilman Norman Northwestern National Bank for a tem- Neighborhood opposition to the project Anderson,the council will reconsider a porary building;a time extension request for low and moderate income families request to rezone a 4.6 parcel of land in for the comprehensive plan update,and a was influential in the council defeat of a northeast Maplewood.Sidney Johnson of presentation by Frank McGinley, 2044 larger plan to upgrade Radatz Avenue New Brighton is asking to have his Prosperity Road,regarding his request and construct Southlawn Drive. property rezoned from farm residential to for a state audit.