HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 06-25 James McKee, Nature Center staffer, dies from leukemia THE REVIEW %47x7 James McKee, Nature Center staffer, dies from leukemia James McKee, 40, a naturalist at the favorite projects at the center was the Maplewood Nature Center, died June 19 restoration of a prairie area.. With the after being hospitalized for four months help of scouts and school groups, he with acute myelocytic leukemia. collected native plants and seeds from Memorial services were conducted on remnants of prairies around Maplewood. June 22. A native of Syracuse, NY, he He then transplanted them at the nature graduated from Cornell University, center. He also discovered a rare, un- Ithica, NY, in 1961 with a degree in disturbed wet prairie in Maplewood,near zoology.He earned a Master's Degree in the intersection of Larpenteur and zoology from the University of Minnesota Century Avenues. in 1968. He was known as"Raccoon Jim"to the Before joining the City of Maplewood thousands of youngsters who went on the staff, he worked at summer nature nature study tours he conducted at the camps,was a research assistant at the U. center. of M., was as a consultant to the Min- McKee is survived by his sister, Betty nesota Environmental Science Center, of Granville, OH. worked as a naturalist at Dodge Nature Center for three summers and was a park naturalist at Flandrau and Helmer Myre State Parks. • McKee was instrumental in the plan- ning and development of the Maplewood ' Nature Center programs. One of his ° l14 t o �`' 1 i :f i/\ �_ �� Jim McKee