HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08-27 Council 'tilts' pinball request THE REVIEW Council Tti Its' pinball request By MARY LEE HAGERT "Well," Anderson stated, "When you draw teens into a gathering that always The evils of pinball game rooms were tends to be a problem." recounted at the Maplewood City Council meeting on Aug.21. "I disagree," Bicha countered. "It Almost no one had a good word to say tends to always be a problem if the about the machines, which make odd own not let irob t be ene.If managed properly, noises,have flashing lights and hearty it's not a problem." appetites for quarters. Bicha pointed out that a similar pinball machine business is operating at Tom Bicha of Fridley wanted the Maplewood Mall.That overall operation council to grant him a special exception is good because it is managed properly, permit to operate a game room in a small he said. • shopping center at the intersection of McKnight Road and Larpenteur Avenue. BUT AT THE MALL there is adequate The city council members' apparent parking facilities designed to handle the dim view of the proposed game room was customers,who will be staying at the mirrored by the residents living near the game room for a while,said Councilman center.After seeing all the neighbors in Earl Nelson.The convenience center does the audience opposed to the proposal,the not have adequate parking space to council unanimously denied Bicha's handle this type of business,he added. request. "I'm opposed to this (pinball game "How will you control a group of unruly room),"stated Andy Anderson,who lives teenagers. Anderson asked. next door to the center. "Call the police I imagine,"Bicha said. "There already are lots of high school He continued, "If the rules are kept, kids in the area.This business would just loitering is eliminated and the place is create more noise,confusion and disposal kept clean, unruly teens would not be of paper and junk in the neighborhood." attracted to the establishment." The center is anchored by a 7-Eleven The Maplewood Planning Commission Store.About six blocks to the east is Hill- recommended the council deny the Murray High School,and three blocks to special exception permit for the game the west is Hillside Junior High School. room business. Councilman Norman Anderson said he The commission members said the was worried that the pinball game room game room was not"consistent with the would become a"hang-out for teens." neighborhood convenience center. No need for such activity has been demon- BICHA SAID he did not think this would strated to the commission." The com- missionersbe the case.He said the popular pinball alsog l were worried about the small machines are sophisticated space games small parking lot. that attract an older crowd of patrons. The only persons speaking in favor of the pinball game room operation were He said the"Fun Center"would have Fred Ludke,1620 Duluth St.,St.Paul,and been adult supervised at all times and Richard Ernst,owner of the convenience open from 11 a.m.to 10 p.m.everyday. center. Approximately one-third of the floor Ludke says he operates similar game area was to be devoted to a lunch area and rooms in 16 counties and has had no the remaining area was proposed as a problems with them. Ernst told the game room,consisting of the pinball type council that he believes there is a need in machines. the area for this type of business and that Casimir Willard, 2225 E. Larpenteur the operation met with the city's zoning Ave.,said,"I can't go along with this.We criteria. have enough problems in the area with Councilman Anderson made a motion to people throwing debris.When you put in a deny the request because there is"con- game room,you are going to have more slant jogging of students by this area problems." from the two schools and this (the Bicha said he did not think this would proposed business)is not something the happen.He owns a similar game room neighborhood needs." operation in Fridley that"has not created any neighborhood problems." Councilman Nelson added, the an- ticipated increase in traffic created by the "What ages frequent your Fridley pinball game room business would be a operation?"Councilman Anderson asked. hazard "in an area already heavily "Older teens,"Riche responded. trafficked."