HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08-27 Nature Center visitors may walk on water THE REVIEW Nature Center visitors may walk on water Visitors at the Maplewood Nature will be barrier cables, Soutter explained. L Center will be able to "walk on water" The cables will be positioned so '�`� / . /def starting this week. preschoolers will be unable to crawl " , � The finishing touches are being put on a- under them and fall into the water, she 1, �� , � f 350 feet floating boardwalk on the largest added. � �'.� ,„��; ��`� ���� � � V � � '4".." �.' v ti.',-o , „,,-.4.:,.:;,,:: � k: marsh at the Nature Center, which is The center staff hopes to eventually ,, ''” , '..`"4,11,,:r1..^$4.3%., , located at 2659 E. Seventh St. in southern build a bench on the boardwalk, so �' • r - 'k M �1, Maplewood. visitors can sit and enjoy the serenity of tioi, {, i "� A crew of 16 Young Adult Conservation the marsh. The boardwalk will be ac a ` ' ., j . Corps members worked in waist high and cessible to persons in wheelchairs. - � ' " r' deeper marsh water for the past two The 10-member crew of the Young is -, f; 'i�` I ,jit, weeks while installing the $15,000 walk- Adult Conservation Corps spent two ' R --'�' i 14 1 ' �� g1;, 1 way. weeks constructing the boardwalk at , V fist,,, 1 I '- l`' The boardwalk will give hikers at the Fridley.It took an entire day to load the i ' --_a -t t ' center a unique opportunity to observe massive parts of the walkway onto a truck f >. ' , :. B marsh life in its natural setting, said and transport them to Maplewood, ex- �' " , t naturalist Chris Soutter. plained Mike Stanbrough, the crew � , �: `�"` � � r The visitors will be able to peer directly supervisor. into the water and see tiny fish, frogs, turtles, insects and crustaceans, which Funds for the floating boardwalk were are usually not visible from the shoreline. divided equally between a federal Land ti ' z Soutter said she has been surprised at and Water Conservation grant and city r .W. � o- fie,; the variety of wildlife visible in the water monies, according to Bob Odegard, ter `� along the boardwalk."I had no idea there Maplewood Parks and Recreation were so many small fish in the marsh director. NOW THAT it is completed,visitors can walk the expanse of waters." Unlike a fishing dock, the boardwalk the 350 foot boardwalk to take in not only the nature around The walkway will have a 16x24-foot will not be anchored to the marsh floor. them but underneath them as well. platform that will be used as a floating Instead, it will raise and lower with the teaching station. The hundreds of water table. elementary students touring the Nature Persons walking on it will bob up and Center this year will have their first down with the waves of the water and will opportunity to study on a floating have the "sensation of floating," Soutter classroom. says. Running the length of the boardwalk They really will be"walking on water."