HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 09-03 Storm sewer project to relieve Maplewood man's water woes THE REVIEW • Storm sewer project to relieve Maplewood man's water woes By MARY LEE HAGERT Brookview Drive,occupies a good share for the project will be determined at a Everytime it rains, Walter Wallgren, of the land,and due to its large parking lot later assessment hearing. 2546 Brookview Drive,Maplewood,says and building, contributes substantial At the council meeting,Wallgren said, he starts worrying and wondering how amounts of runoff to the system, ac- "I'm greatly in favor of this project." much of his backyard will wash away. cording to a Maplewood city staff report. He said he hoped the new project would His backyard borders Battle Creek in With the exception of some commercial be adequate to handle the runoff in the southern Maplewood and his yard along property near Century Avenue, the area and will not require future in- the stream is plagued with serious erosion remainder of the neighborhood near stallations of even larger pipes. problems. Wallgren is single family dwellings. Dan Lofgren, 2656 Brookview Drive, But,Wallgren's problems may soon be told the council that the new pipes will go over, thanks to a recent unanimous IN 1974, the city installed some ad- on his property. decision by the Maplewood City Council. ditional storm sewer pipes and inlets in "Will I get some reassurance that the The government body approved a storm the neighborhood. But, they were not project is being done right this time?"he sewer project that should correct the adequate to handle the large volume of asked the council. "I don't want the drainage problems in Wallgren's neigh- water runoff in the area. corner of my house to be falling into a hole borhood. The new storm sewer system will because it's not done right again." The erosion problem has worsened in handle a 10-year frequency storm, The city staff assured Lofgren that the the past few years,Wallgren states,due Additional catch basins and larger pipes project would be adequate to handle to increased development of property will be installed, storm water runoff in the area and that north of his home.Merit Chevrolet,2695 Total estimated cost is$36,000.Funding the pipes would be installed correctly.