HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 09-10 Mill rate reduced in budget proposal THE REVIEW io Mill rate reduced in budget proposal The Maplewood City Council will hold a allowed by state law for the city. work session tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. "This has been accomplished despite to discuss the proposed annual budget for the recent reduction by the Governor in 1981. state aid in an amount which will ap- According to the proposed budget, proximate$100,000,"Evans said. general fund expenditures for 1981 will Gloomier news,however,was reported amount to more than$4.8 million.Com- in the 17 percent increase by the bining all city funds,total expenditures Metropolitan Waste Control Commission will be more than$10.2 million in 1981. (MWCC) for its sewer charge to Although expenditures will increase, Maplewood. the city's mill rate is expected to decrease This will result in a seven percent rate by nearly three mills to 15.8 for 1981, increase for Maplewood citizens for 1981, according to the proposal. according to the proposed budget. Total revenue from taxes in 1981 is The lower percentage being passed on expected to be about$3.1 million,nearly to residents is due to a city council request $100,000 more than was taken in this year. to prevent large increases from occurring A hefty jump in the city's total assessed at one time, Evans explained in his valuation of property explains the in- statement. But he warned, "At some creased tax levy and decreased mill rate. point,however,a hefty jump may become Maplewood's total assessed valuation necessary." for 1981 in the proposed budget will be According to the proposed budget $197.2 million.For the 1980 tax year it is Maplewood's bill from the MWCC for 1981 $161.9 million. will be$853,358. In a statement to the mayor and city The city council has scheduled a second council included in the budget document, budget discussion meeting for?p.m.Sept. City Manager Barry Evans said efforts to 15. The final budget for 1981 must be keep taxes in line will result in the approved by Oct.10.A public hearing on reduction of Maplewood's levy from 100 the document is tentatively scheduled for percent to 87 percent of the amount Oct.9.