HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 09-24 Residents lose fight against McDonald's THE REVIEW Minnesota M Single Copy 30; WED., SEPT. 24, 1980 Residents lose fight against McDonald 's By MARY LEE HAGERT residents living near the future ZONING CHANGE TABLED . McDonald's. Maplewood residents living along Despite the objections of an. area Anton Duppong, 2705 E. Minnehaha Arcade Street expressed mixed reactions business and neighbors, a McDonald's Ave., told council members that runoff to the city council's proposal to amend the restaurant and a convenience center will water following a storm frequently stands city's zoning code to establish residential be constructed in southern Maplewood. two feet deep at,the intersection of estate districts. The Maplewood City Council was asked Minnehaha and Century.He said he fears The ordinance was specifically aimed Sept. 18 to reconsider an earlier decision the construction of the McDonald's will at a neighborhood west of Keller Lake and approving the McDonald's plan by the make the drainage problems worse. east of Arcade Street. Many of the long, city's Design and Review Board. That narrow wooded lots bordering Keller request came from Clinton McLagan, an Bill Bittner, Maplewood city engineer, Lake have been split.The construction of attorney for the Dairy Queen located told the council and audience that the additional homes in the affluent neigh- north of the proposed restaurant. plans proposed by the property owners, borhood has bothered some of the However, members of the city council Dick Ernst and Nasim Quisha, will im- residents. decided to uphold the Design and Review prove the overall storm water drainage If adopted the new estate zoning Board's decision, thereby allowing the system in the area. "Storage capacity of category would have required lots be construction of the fast-food restaurant. storm water will increase drastically with 20,000 square feet or more in certain The McDonald's and the small shopping this plan," he said. neighborhoods. center will be located on the southwest The purpose of the proposed residential corner of. Minnehaha and Century "HOW ARE they going to build this estate zoning is to protect larger single Avenues in Maplewood. restaurant on land that has such a high family neighborhoods from subdivisions, McLagan said his client believes the water table?"asked Councilman Norman which would result in lots out of character development(restaurant and center) will Anderson. with the remaining neighborhood., create more traffic hazards in an already "That will be worked out between the The city council members tabled the congested area. developer and his engineer," Bittner first reading of the amendment until until responded. Oct.16.The ordinance was referred back "Century and Minnehaha already are Ernst explained his plans to place fill to city staff for changes. Ctr placesand rtrafficardirt on his land and to construct a new The council also tabled an agenda'item re dangerous lac cause thiss (thecitymanywater retention pond have the approval of to rezone the property between Arcade p the Ramsey-Washington Metro Water- Street and,Keller Lake to the proposed headaches in the years to come. shed District. residential estate zoning.This matter will "The kind of traffic McDonald's will "Through the building of a new pond, be reconsidered at the Nov. 20 council get,will come during the rush hour. This the need for constructing a new storm meeting. intersection is already congested during sewer system in the neighborhood will be -. . ' this time period," McLagan stated. postponed," Ernst said. ' Anglo Tuccitto, 2706 E. Margaret St., The impact of the increased traffic echoed the attorney's concerns. He told created by the restaurant at the busy council members that the growth of the intersection was reviewed by the Min- 3M plant has worsened the traffic nesota Department of Transportation. situation in his neighborhood."During the rush hour, cars are now backed up to The office's suggestions were in- j Margaret, and it will be worse once corporated into the final design plans. j McDonald's is built," he stated. McDonald's will be a 3,680 square foot, one-story building. It will have a brick exterior, Mansard roof and a drive-up THE DAIRY QUEEN attorney also service window.There will be 49 spaces in questioned the potential adverse en- the parking lot. `vironmental impact of filling an existing The city is requiring the restaurant to swamp to build a restaurant. He feared have adequate landscaping to screen it drainage problems could be created in the from neighboring homes. immediate area and downstream. The shopping center will have space for The planned restaurant and shopping several businesses, such as a barber or center construction call for filling of a beauty shop, insurance office or small swampy area and the building of a new superette.The owners do not have leases water holding pond on higher ground. signed for any of the future occupants of His sentiments were repeated by the center.