HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 04-16 Maplewood officials want to help snuff out paraphernalia statewide THE REVIEW YYBa.,Nprll lo, 1>oa - Int KtVitW • r • Map.iew.00d orr cIaIs want to help •snuff outparaphernalia statewide . By MARY LEE HAGERT by rolling the stuff with cigarette papers. -group decided to go back to its respective were asked to attend the meeting because He said his office was going to look into city councils for consultation" communities have expressed concerns Maplewood city officials took another the possibility of drafting a similar law The idea is to get the city attorneys abbut local paraphernalia sales' step toward trying to make sure their .controlling the sale of cigarette papers for from the communities together to work on problems in the past, • community is not a haven for drug Maplewood.• an ordinance proposal.They would like to Last year the'city of Maplewood lost a paraphernalia sellers. "This also conforms with the law that coordinate their efforts with the Min- battle•in.court to enforce its parapher- Mayor John Greavu and City Attorney now limits the sale of cigarettes tq per- nesota League of Municipalities. nalia ordinance. The courts found the U Don Lais met with city officials from sons age 18 and older.I can't tell how Maddoxandthe other city represen- ordinance unconstitutional and the Cla other metro communities last week to effective the West St.Paul ordinance is, tatives said they are exasperated with the defendant, Third Stone Music of '.discuss coordinating efforts to find a law but I think it is something worth 'Minnesota Legislature, which failed to Maplewood Square, was allowed to to control the sale of drug paraphernalia. studying,"Lais stated. pass a statewide law to control the sale of °continue its sale of smoking accessory Officials from Eagan, Roseville and According to Lais, the city officials drug paraphernalia during its 1980 products. West St. Paul joined the Maplewood attending the meeting are trying to session. -- In December,the store owners decided representatives at the meeting organized coordinate some effort to get an "ac- A law on paraphernalia was proposed, on their own to discontinue the sale of by Ron Maddox,St.Paul city councilman? ceptable and sustainable law to restrict but it did not succeed due to heavy lob- paraphernalia. The store replaced the .�• The group describes paraphernalia as the sale of what is commonly called. hying against it,Lais commented. smoking accessory products with a full �,being anything used to aid the injestion of paraphernalia. Right now if one city enacts an or- line of guitars and other musical in- marijuana and other controlled chemical ° dinance controlling the sale of struments. These products augmented ' substances. 'Representatives from the five cities paraphernalia,then the problem moves to the businesses'.album and music tape The Maplewood officials expressed an were asked to attend the meeting because a nearby city and nothing is solved,the merchandise. interest ina ordinance on the books in their communities have expressed con- attorney said. • • ' The guitars and other music in- • West St.Paul.The law prohibits the sale cern about local paraphernalia sales A possible solution is to get all the cities struments appear to have not struck the of cigarette papers to persons under age - problems in the past. throughout the state to adopt ordinances right cord with shoppers. The store in 18. "We didn't draft an ordinance at the restricting paraphernalia sales,he said. Maplewood Square closed earlier-this Lais said the bulk of marijuana use is meeting," he continued. "Rather the -Representatives from the five cities month,