HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 04-16 City Council to review subsidized townhouse development Thursday THE REVIEW Single Copy 30` WED.,APRIL 16, 1980 City council to review subsidized townhouse development Thursday By MARY LEE HAGERT townhouses. The Maplewood city council will Mayor John Greavu said,"We turned reconsider a preliminary plat for the down federal money to approve this Maple Knolls Townhouses, a federally project.We've boxed ourselves in.I'm a subsidized development,at its Thursday little embarrassed now." evening meeting. This developer has tried to meet all the During the past year the council has council's requirements, Greavu con- been discussing the proposed develop- tinned.If the council denies this project, ment,which will be located in the center the developer can come back to the of a block bounded by Kohlman,Radatz council with a court order to make the city and White Bear Avenues and the proposed approve it."I think we are going to have Southlawn Drive. to approve it and then force the Due to neighborhood opposition to the assessments on the people(neighbors)at project and the residents'concerns about full cost." drainage problems in the area, final Councilman Gary Bastian said,"What approval of the preliminary plat has been bothers me is that this project was to slow. provide low income housing and it was At its last meeting the council tabled rushed along.We have been criticized by approval of the plat. Council members people who say we don't have enough low asked the developers, Ajax Venture income housing in Maplewood. But yet Company,to work with Lloyd Soderberg, they forget we are trying to defend those 1800 Radatz Ave.,a neighboring property people (residents near the proposed owner.The council would like them to development)who have water problems. discuss the construction of a driveway "I don't see how it(the development)is across Soderberg's land from the going to work.People will walk out of townhouse development to the proposed their patios onto a marshland." Southtawn Drive. Greavu responded,"I feel sorry for the The 57-unit townhouse project is people with water problems.But how do planned for a 6.25 acre site. Low and we know if this(the townhouses)is going moderate income occupants of the to make them worse.I don't know how we development will be eligible for federal can deny the project on the basis of water Section 8 rent subsidies. problems that might be caused when the Last,year the council gave concept Department of Natural Resources and the approval of the project on the condition watershed district said the plan is okay." that Radatz Avenue be improved. Councilman Earl Nelson said,since the The council rejected a plan to improve drainage plan has been approved, the the avenue in February because of area drainage in the area won't get any worse. residents' opposition to the street "It probably will be improved.This whole upgrading assessments and their concern thing(townhouse development)conforms over water problems in the neighborhood. with the city's drainage plan." The U.S. Housing and Urban Nelson suggested that if the city gives Development office offered to provide permission for the developer to proceed $273,404 to help offset the cost of the street with the driveway to the proposed improvements. Southlawn Drive,the$230,000 in federal At its last council meeting,Richard C. grant money may still be used for street Bienapfl, president of Realty Develop- . improvements. meet Services Inc.,asked the council to Nelson continued,he would prefer to drop the requirement to upgrade Radatz have the developer negotiate with Avenue. Soderberg for a driveway across his land. If the requirement is dropped, the Depending on how the negotiations go, council members said other streets may Nelson said,the council may want to put have to be used to gain access to the new requirements on the developers.