HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 04-23 Council: '18-year-olds can't serve 3.2 beer' THE REVIEW Single Copy 30` WED.,APRIL 23,1980 Owner protests Council : ' 18-year-olds can't serve 3.2 beer' By MARY LEE HAGERT young people come in and pass around beer.We have this restriction in at least The Maplewood city council tagged two other places and it has worked out several requirements on the 3.2 on-sale very well,"Schaller said. beer license it granted on April 17 to the Mayor John Greavu interjected,saying new Pizza Hut Restaurant near that he felt the requirements being placed Maplewood Mall. on the 3.2 on-sale beer license were too Among the requirements is the restrictive."It's getting to the point that stipulation that only employees over age they can't do anything.The restaurants 19 be allowed to serve 3.2 beer. have so many restrictions on them Owner William C.Ferrill protested this already.They have to have areas where restriction. "We've already hired our they can smoke and can't smoke and the staff and most of them are 18 year olds. list just keeps growing." They(the employees)know you have to On a 3-2 vote the council approved the be 19 to drink.We will police this very license. Greavu and Bastian voted carefully.There will be no carry out." against the granting of the license. Councilman Gary Bastian asked Ferrill In other action the council gave its if the managers on staff couldn't serve the approval of a preliminary planned unit 3.2 beer. development for the Maple Knoll The owner responded, "Well, the Townhouse Development. managers are not paid to wait on tables. The council-attached a new list of They have many other responsibilities." requirements on the developers of the He continued, "We don't allow our federally subsidized,57-unit housing employees to drink on the premises— project.The townhouses are proposed to whether they are on duty or not." be be constructed in the center of a block Bastian asked how many of the newly bounded by Radatz, White Bear and hired employees were under age 19. Kohlman Avenues and the proposed "I would say approximately 70 percent Southlawn Drive. are 18 year olds,They are currently in The council's approval was given with training and we plan to open the place in the stipulations:that adequate sized and two weeks." designed water main serve the project; Ferrill said that if the council kept its Southlawn Drive be constructed from 600 policy of requiring employees serving 3.2 feet south of Radatz Avenue to Beam beer to be over age 19,he would have to Avenue, and construction of the storm "reshuffle"his employees. water project shown in the Maplewood The council members told the drainage plan for Radatz.The approval is restaurant owner that the city's policy also subject to the city receiving federal was to only have persons age 19 and older Housing and Urban Development funding serving 3.2 liquor in all businesses in to help offset the costs of the street and Maplewood. Ferrill questioned the utility installation. legality of this policy. The council also: City Attorney Don Lais told the owner —approved the Hillwood Drive and the state generally allows cities to be Dorland Road street and utility project more restrictive than the state law when for two developments in southern dealing with liquor licenses. Maplewood. Ferrill also objected to the council's —granted a variance-lot division for requirement that 3.2 beer be served in an Voya Piletich at 2130 Arcade Street. area reserved for persons 19 years and —tabled the Maple Greens final plat to older. the next regular council meeting. He said, "This really gives us an —gave a special exception to the city operational problem." code to Theresa Barnhill and Jeane Richard W.Schaller,Maplewood public Pearson for the operation of a Novel safety director,told Ferrill that the other Exchange Store at 1997 White Bear Ave. Pizza Hut in Maplewood at 2900 Rice St., —decided to have a no parking zone has the same restrictions and"they are along English Street from Frost Avenue able to live with it. to the railroad tracks. "We feel there has to be a designated —planned to review the city's travel area for the serving of the 3.2 beer so that and training policyfor the city em- it can be policed.Otherwise,you can have ployees.