HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 04-23 Carter freezes federal funds, Hazelwood Park future uncertain THE REVIEW Carter freezes federal funds, Hazelwood Park future uncertain Area soccer players and fans had their for the park development.The city was plans for the construction of another going to provide$30,875 for the park. playing field this summer in Maplewood Congress has the power to override booted out of reach by President Jimmy Carter's action within 45 days after the Carter this month. decision."However,"Evans said,"even ,.. The future of North Hazelwood Park is if Congress unfreezes the federal park uncertain due to a freeze Carter has dollars, it is going to throw off our placed on all federal park funds for all timetable for the North Hazelwood park projects that did not reach the Park." federal government offices by early Consultants were drawing up �l April. The city had already begun the specifications for electrical bids for one of preliminary work for the construction of a the soccer fields,which the city hoped to soccer field. have built by the end of July.City officials I "Anything not at the federal level by hoped to have sufficient grass cover on \, early April will not receive consideration. the field by August so it could be used. `P' That includes all Minnesota park Evans said there is now little hope that projects,"said Barry Evans,Maplewood the field will be built in time for this City Manager. year's soccer playing season. The only park in Maplewood affected by Members of the North East Soccer the freeze is the proposed North Association were anxious to have the field Hazelwood Park.The city was expecting ready this year and were conducting a to receive a$61,000 grant from the federal fund drive for lights at one of the soccer government to develop the park. fields. The 40-acre proposed park site is next to In addition to the lighted the field,the Hazelwood Elementary School and is proposed park will have a 15-acre lake,an bounded by Hazelwood Avenue and unlighted soccer-football field and a County Road C. smaller soccer field.It will also have a The community already has received cross country ski trail, bicycle path- approval of a$30,125 grant from the state exercise trail and a small playground.