HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 05-07 Maplewood to join cable TV pact THE REVIEW Maplewood to join cable TV pact/9g0 The cities of North St. Paul and representatives of area communities is of a service territory that encompasses Maplewood have recently agreed to enter designed to form a bargaining unit which all of the communities which entered into into a joint powers agreement to establish will represent the cities' common in- the agreement. a Ramsey-Washington Counties Suburban terests in determining the types of cable Cable Communications Commission. communication services needed in the The commission will study needs, The cities join the city of Oakdale which area. review information and make recom- had previously approved the joint powers When all of the communities invited to mendations.The city councils of the cities agreement.The decision whether to join join in the commission decide whether or involved, however,will make the final in the agreement is pending before other not they are interested,the commission decisions about what type of franchise neighboring city councils. will petition the Minnesota Cable Com- arrangement and what services each of The agreement which was drafted by munications Board for the establishment their cities will have.