HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 05-14 Maplewood retains limit on parking THE REVIEW Maplewood retains limit on parking tit10 The city's policy of not allowing any city streets all overnight,the staff and vehicles to park on its roads or streets all council could create a possible liability night will remain as is after discussion at situation for the police department,the a recent city council meeting. mayor and the city council members. Occasionally Maplewood residents say Hagen added the city's building codes they find the policy inconvenient. require adequate off-street parking space Mayor John Greavu questioned Tom be provided to handle all vehicles at high Hagen,Maplewood deputy police chief, density residential areas like apartments about the city's overnight parking policy and townhouses. on city streets.In Maplewood,vehicles Children now use the sides of the roads are prohibited from parking on any street for traveling on their bicycles.This is or road for more than two hours between dangerous for them to do, but if there the hours of 2 and 6 a.m. were parked cars on the sides of the Hagen told Greaw and the other roads,it could become more treacherous, council members that if a Maplewood he stated.The youngsters would have to resident has unexpected guests or travel down the center of the streets to emergencies, the person can receive avoid the parked cars. special permission to park the extra The council accepted Hagen's rationale vehicles all night on their street for three for the city policy regulating parking on evenings. the streets and roads decided not to He explained a number of reasons why change it. the city does not allow overnight parking on its roadways. The most obvious reason,he said,was the problems that would be created by having to plow around parked cars during snowstorms in the winter. Another reason,Hagen continued,is a safety factor for children.Presently the city experiences very few children being struck accidentiatly by moving vehicles. If cars were allowed to park overnight on the streets,a child might dart out from behind one of these parked vehicles some evening and be injured by a passing car. Other reasons included,the city streets are not wide enough to allow vehicles to pass through safetly with cars parked on both sides, and off street parking eliminates crime opportunities. "We are all creatures of habit.If we have to keep vehicles off the street at night,we generally also do it during the day."If overnight parking was allowed, Hagen predicts the city's streets would become parking lots. If an accident were to happen as a result of cars being allowed to park on the