HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 05-28 St. John's to buy Hazelwood building THE REVIEW , St. John's Nto buy Hazelwood building A bid for purchase of the Hazelwood Elementary School building and site was awarded May 22 by the Dist.622 school •board to Health Resources,Inc.,a holding company for St.John's Hospital. The property was declared surplus by the school board after a decision to close the school due to declining enrollment. Several parties had expressed interest in the property during the past several months,but St.John's was the only one to submit what school officials called a "responsiblepid." Total purc se price is listed at $875,000. Total receipts from the sale, however,are expected to reach about$2 million,said Dist.622 business director Owen Engen because of interest and investments.The sale price met a Dist. 622 requirement that the property be sold for not less than its appraised value.The Hazelwood building was built in 1956-57 at a cost of$701,500. The sale is contingent on the granting of a special use permit from the Maplewood city council.St.John's officials said they are confident that a permit will be granted,citing a precedent in a similar action regarding disposal of other school properties. The Hazelwood building would be used for social and community service programs of the hospital and other agencies. The Eastside area Youth • Service Bureau has expressed interest in relocating to the Hazelwood site, said school board member Charles Wiger.He said it was"excellent"that school district facilities could be converted to other community uses. School board member Jerry Bell commended St. John's officials and Engen for working out the agreement.. The vote authorizing the sale was unanimous,with the exception of board member William Lester,who was absent, and Wiger,who abstained because of his employment with the Minnesota Medical Association.