HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 06-29 Public Notices: City of Maplewood Summary Financial Report Fiscal 2015 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW • Page 14 Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Review CITY OF MAPLEWOOD SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FISCAL 2015 The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Maplewood to interested citizens.The complete financial statements may be examined on the City's website at www.ci.maplewoodmn.us.Questions about this report should be directed to Ellen Paulseth,Finance Director at 651-249-2902 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES GENERAL OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN FUND NET POSITION (GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS) PROPRIETARY FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 Total Total Increase Business-type activities-Enterprise Funds 2016 2014 (Decrease) Oovemmental Community Street Activities REVENUES Ambulance Center Environmental Recycling Sanitary Light Internal Taxes $18,825884 $18,539,692 $286,192 Service Operations Utility Program Sewer Utility Total Service Funds Special assessments 2,393,168 2,932,608 (539,440) Licenses and permits 1,366,702 2,275;634 (908,932) Operating revenues Intergovernmental 8,607,607 7,312565 1,295 pO2 Utility/recycling/ambulance billings $ 2,571,028 $ - $ 2,521,535 $ 566,002 $ 5,012.326 5 - $ 10,670,889 $ - Memberships and daily tees - 1,556995 - - - 1,555.995 - Chargesforservices 4,113,823 4,854962 (741,139) Commodity sales - - 64,678 . - - 84,878 - Fines and Forfeits 239,430 297,444 (58,014) Room and equipment - 151,866 - - - - 151,866 - Investment earnings 91,356 69.903 21,453 Franchise tax - - . - . 477,280 477,280 - Miscellaneous 614,148 301,384 312,764 Other services 1,799 72,303 62 - 17,381 - 91.545 9.083.102 Total revenues $38,252,118 $36,584,192 $(332,074) Total operating revenues 2,572,825 1,844,842 2,521,597 586,002 5,029,707 477,280 13,012,253 9,083,102 Per capita 922.12 936.76 (14.64) operating expenses Personnel services 1.765,116 1,211,396 836,248 56.775 553,851 - 4,423,388 7778,119 EXPENDITURES Materials and supplies 127,292 202,710 39,556 8,274 11,932 - 389.784 594,338 Current Contractual services 397.058 877,610 391,199 536.446 3,195,951 186,579 5,584.843 360,286 Citizen Services $1,202,870 $1,169,665 $33,205 Depreciation ' 86,070 257.613 573,523 - 393,109 - 1,290.315 292,419 Repairs and maintenance - - 1 993 Community Development 1,113,658 1,254,968 (141,310) Administrative charges 214,090 - 162.310 49,580 339,170 18,902 784.052 Executive 1,009,156 865,111 144,045 Total operating expenses 2,569,626 2.549,329 2,002,836 651.075 4,494,013 205.481 12,472,360 9,027.155 Finance 858,875 730.962 127,913 Fire 2,073,576 1,907,881 165,695 Operating income(1059) 3.199 (704,487) 518,761 (85,073) 535,694 271,799 539,893 55,947 Legislative 183,515 184,548 (1,033) Nonoperating revenues(expenses) Parks&Recreation 1,328,339 1,317,243 11,096 Investment income (9.695) (2,3461 5.441 2.070 25,549 + 817 22,836 19,391 Police 8,089,198 8,059,482 29,716 Intergovernmental 139,477 - 39,250 108,580 - - 287.307 32,410 Public Works 3,574.148 3,841,444 (267,296) General property taxes 330.039 494,108 - - . - 824,147 Investment management Fees 71,612 77.015 (5,403) Investment management fees - - (3.054) (1,162) (14.904) (458) (19.578) (11,025) Gains(loss)on disposal of capital assets Capital Outlay 12,725,904 18,446,159 (5,720,255) (5,975) (77) 14,134 - (2,958) - 1,524 21.300 Debt Service: Total nonoperanng revenues(expenses) 455,975 491,885 55,7711 109,488 2;958 359 1,116,238 62,076 Principal Retirement 23,855,537 9,674,672 14,180,865 Income(loss)before contributions TIF developer payments 84,516 248,456 (163,940) and transfers 459,174 (212,802) 574,532 24,415 538,652 272.158 1,658,129 118,023 Interest and fiscal Charges 3,008,222 2,967,598 40,624 Total expenditures $59,179,126 $50,745.204 $8,433,922 Capital contributions from other funds - 1,030,343 - - - - 1,030.343 18,581 Per capita 1,505.29 1,299.36 205.93 Transfers in ' - - 136,189 - - - 136,189 - Transfers out - - 1,366.500 ( ) - (362.400) (600,150) (2,349.050) - Total Long-term indebtedness $73,835,644 $84,380,333 $(10,544,689) Change in net position 459,174 817,541 (855.779) 24,415 158,252 (327,992) 473,611 136,604 Per capita 1,878.10 2,160.61 (282.51) Net position General fund and Special Revenue funds unassigned Beginning of year 50.752 7,293,038 25.761,932 381,641 16.764,456 121.899 50.353,718 3,807,487 Change in accounting principle - (586,587) (366,888) (22,057) (268,355) - (1,243,887) Fund balance-December 31 $7,545,895 $8,262 802 $(716,707) Percapita 191.94 211.57 (19.63) Beginning of year,as restated 50,752 6,706,451 25,395,044 339.584 16,496.101 121.899 49.109.831 3,807,487 End of year $ 509,926 $ 7,523,992 $ 24,739,265 $ 383.999 $ 16,652,353 $ (206,093)$ 49.583,442 5 3,944.091 Net changes in the net position reported above STATEMENT OF NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS DECEMBER 31 , 2015 Business-type activities-Enterprise Funds Governmental Community Street Activities Ambulance Center Environmental Recycling Sanitary Light Internal Service Operations Utility Program Sewer Utility Totals Service Fund Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ - $ 9,164 $ 260,777 $ 351,567 $ 2,732,381 $ - $ 3,353,889 '$ 3212,636 ' Accrued interest receivable - - 453 611 4,751 - 5,815 5,584 Due from other governments - - 351.725 76,921 676,296 368 1.105,310 11,506 ' Accounts Receivable-net 1,259,889 28.843 11784 45 531 120,893 1,421,785 - Due from other funds - - - - 1,509,390 - 1,509,390 - Property taxes receivable 8,160 10.190 - - - - 18,350 - Inventories - - - _ - 115,012 Total current assets 1,268.049 48,197 624,739 429,144 4,923,349 121,061 7,414,539 3,344,738 Noncurrent assets Capital assets Construction in progress - - - - - - - 10.106 • Structures,vehicles and equipment 882,047 13,779,975 34,224,206 - 23,276,690 - 72,162.918 5,904,929 Less: allowance for depreciation (529,558) (5,214.823) (9,693,177) - (11,226.079) - (26,663,637) (3,539.299) Net capital asssets 352,489 8,565,152 24,531.029 - 12,050,611 - 45,499,281 2,375,736 Total assets 1,820,538 8,613,349 25,155,768 429,144 16,973,960 '121,061 52,913,820 5720.474 Deferred outflows of resources Deferred outflows of resources related to pensions - 80,386 50,278 3,023 36,775 - 170.462 - Total assets and deferred outflows of resources $ 1,620 538 $ 8,693,735 $ 25,206,046 $ 432 167 S 17,010,735 $ 121,061 $ 53,084,282 $ 5,720,474 Liabilities,Deferred Inflows of Resources, and Net Position , Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 9,253 3 58,902 $ 1,328 $ 38,939 $ 4,777 $ 14.439 $ 127,638 $ 15,472 Due to other governments 16,042 10,535 - - - 486 27,063 10,506 Salaries payable 15,575 11,818 2,307 47 5,291 - 34,838 91,905 Due to other funds 980,440 216,721 - - - 312,229 1,509,390 - Unearned revenue - 141,824 - - - - 141,824 - Employee benefits payable-current - - _ - - _ _ 124,388 Total current liabilities 1,021,310 439,600 3,635 38,986 10.068 327.154 1,840,753 242,271 Noncurrent liabilities Employee benefits payable-noncurrent portion - - - - - - - 1,658,500 Other post employment benefits obligation 89.302 54,239 40.395 3,767 39,098 - 226,801 - Net pension liability - 586.860 367,058 22,067 268.480 - 1,244,465 - Less amount due within one year - - _ - _ _ - (124,388) Total noncurrent liabilities 89,302 641,099 407,453 25,834 307,578 - 1,471,266 1,534,112 Total liabilities 1,110,612 1,080,699 411,088 64,820 317,646 327.154 3,312,019 1,776,383 Deferred inflows of resources Deferred inflows of resources related to pensions - 89,044 55693 3,348 40,736 - 188,821 - Net Position Net investment in capital assets 352,489 8,585,152 24,531,029 - 12,050,611 - 45,499,281 2,375,736 Unrestricted 157,437 (1,041,160) 208,236 363,999 4,601,742 (206.093) 4,084,161 1,568,355 Total net position 509,926 7,523,992 24,739.265 363,999 16,652,353 (206,093) 49.583,442 3,944,091 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 , 2015 Business-type activities-Enterprise Funds ' Governmental Community Street Activities Ambulance Center Environmental Recycling , Sanitary Light Internal Service Operations Utility Program Sewer Utility Totals Service Funds CASH FLOWS-OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from customers and users $ 2.375,218 $ 1.765,436 $ 2,522,803 $ 563.094 $ 5,026,490 $ 475,006 $ 12,728,047 $ - Interfund services provided and used (214.090) - (375,780) (49,580) (458,970) (18.902) (1,117,322) 8,932,388 Payments to suppliers for goods and services (529,178) (1,056.981) (224,256) (544,625) (3,087,534) (187.695) (5,630,269) (987,355) Payments to employees for services (1,709,216) (1,176,622) (802,942) - (55,363) (519.967) (4,264,110) (7,863,828) Other operating revenues 1,799 72,303 62 - 17,381 - 91,545 155,841 Net cash flows-operating activities (75,467) (395,864) 1,119.887 (86,474) 977,400 268,409 1,807,891 237,046 CASH FLOWS-NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Property taxes 330,943 492,904 - - - - 823.847 - Intergovernmental receipts 139,477 - 39.250 108,580 - - 287,307 32,410 Decrease(increase)in due from other funds - - - - 153,304 - 153,304 - Increase(decrease)in due to other funds (388,512) (77,021) - - - 312,229, (153,304) Transfer from other funds - - 136,189 - - - 136,189 Transfer to other funds - - (1,366,500) - (382,400) (600,150) (2,349,050) - Net cash flows-noncapital financing activities 81.908 415,883 (1,191,061) 108,580 (229,096) (287,921) (1,101,707) 32,410 CASH FLOWS-CAPITAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of capital assets - (16.749) - - - - (16,749) (421,739) Proceeds from dispposal of capital assets 3,256 - 14,134 - - - 17,390 26,426 Net cash flows-capital and related financing activities 3,256 (16,749) 14,134 - - - 641 (395,311) CASH FLOWS-INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investment income (9,697) (2,346) 5,341 1,828 24,016 837 19,979 17,550 Investment management fees - - (3,054) (1,162) (14.904) (458) (19.578) (11.025) Net cash flows-investing activities (9.697) (2.346) 2.287 666 9,112 379 401 6.525 Net change in cash and cash equivalents - 924 (54,753) 22.772 757,416 (19,133) 707,226 (119.330) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS January 1 - 8,240 315,530 328,795 1,974,965 19,133 2,646,663 3331,966 December 31 $ - $ 9,'164@$ r 260,777 $ 351.567 $ 2,732,361 $ - $ 3,353,889 $ 3,212,636 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME(LOSS)TO NET CASH FLOWS-OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating income(loss) $ Err:520 $ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:620 Adjustments to reconcile operating income(loss)to net cash flows-operating activities: Depreciation 66.070 257,613 573,523 - 393,109 - 1,290,315 292,421 Pension expense - 8.931 5,585 335 4,086 - 18,937 - Accounts receivable (195,808) (3,046) 4,248 (9) (365) (2,280) (197,260) Due from other governments - 9,075 (2,980) (2,899) 14,529 6 ' 17,731 5,127 Inventories - - - - - - - (7,170) Accounts payable (2,478) 24,049 (6,971) 95 549 (1,068) 14,176 (19,198) Salaries payable (33,402) (28,396) (12,674) (2,690) (9.300) - (86,462) (186,201) Due to other governments (2,350) (710) (48) (3,108) (4,372) Unearned revenue - (13.132) - - - - (13,132) - OPEB obligation 89,302 54,239 40,395 3.767 39,098 - 226,801 - Employee benefits payable ' - - - - - - - 100,492- . Total adjustments (78,666) 308,623 601,126 (1,401) 441,706 (3,390) 1,267,998 181,099 ' Net cash flows-operating activities $ Err:520 $ Err520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520$ Err:520 5 Err:520$ Err520 (Review:June 29, 2016)