HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07-29 Maplewood rejects mayor's hiring freeze DISPATCH Maplewoodjects rejects mayor s hiring freeze By BETSY BECKER ®M1iQ�/®®d openings exist in the city. Evans Staff Writer p said there is one in the police de- partment and one in public The public works department works. is "way overstaffed," Maple- Earl Nelson defeated the propos- wood's Mayor John Greavu re- al. Greavu insisted: "Somebody's cently told the got to get a hold of this thing."3 Greavu said: Barr (City Councilman Earl Nelson asked 4, City Council. ' N1 ,� But, only Manager Evans) I think the time has come to stop hiring till we how long that would take. r 1 Councilman see where we're at. I move a w ` Gary Bastian moratorium. I think we're over- Greavu suggested at least un- would support staffed way overstaffed in pub- til Jan. 1, "when we find out how Greavu's pro- llc works." much money we're going to posal for a hir- have." ing freeze. A Councilman Norm Anderson i, council Norm replied: "Not if we keep throw- BUT EVANS told him: "We're ty of Fran throw- ing back these sewer projects." well within the budget for this Greavu Juker, Norm year.And it looks pretty good for Anderson and next year." Juker, Norm Earl Nelson HE REFERRED to a discus- defeated the proposal. sion earlier in the evening on a Councilwoman Juker asked if storm sewer project on the two job openings were Brookview Drive. The council budgeted for funding in 1980. sent that proposal back to the public works staff for more "We won't be taking anything research. extra this year?"she querried. Anderson asked how many job "Right,"answered Evans.