HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 08-12 Auto dealer plans for Maplewood site DISPATCH Auto dealer plans ,, for Maplewood site A St. Paul auto dealer an- Kline plans to start construction N nounced plans last week to build as soon as possible this summer. a dealership in Maplewood. "He hopes to be open the first 4 Hess Kline, owner of Royal of the year,"Schuck said. Datsun on Grand Avenue in St. Kline, a car dealer for 34 Paul, received approval from years, said he has an interest in the City Council to construct a Royal Datsun, Royal Oldsmobile 13,900 square foot building to and Kline Oldsmobile-Volvo. house a Datsun dealership east of Highway 61 about a block and a half south of County Road C. Kline said in a Dispatch inter- view that he intends to maintain the St. Paul Datsun dealership. Both may be known as Royal Datsun. "We expect to more than dou- ble our volume,"said Kline. Mark Parranto, Kline's real- tor, told the council Kline would spend "upwards of half a million dollars," on the development. Architect Francis Schuck said